
Chapter 89 The Deal

Something small and quick darted across the shadows, too fast for me to see my heart pounding with fear wondering whether that was the monster

"I'm not here to harm you,"

The voice said from behind me. I jumped forwards in surprise and quickly spun around to face the speaker which I assumed to be the Monster responsible for the tornado, my heart still racing.

But there was nothing there, just the walls of the cave no big scary monster like the Wendigo in sight. I looked around the cave, trying to see if anything else was out of place. My eyes roamed over the rocky terrain, searching for any sign of danger.

Confused I remembered that thing that had moved seemed to be small on size so I turned back around and looked down, and saw a small, yellow frog sitting on a rock. I breathed a sigh of relief, feeling foolish for getting scared over nothing.

But then again, it wasn't nothing, was it? I know that Monster that must have caused the tornado was in here.

A mere distraction is what I assumed the frog to be. The knowledge that there was something else, something more sinister lurking in the cave sent shivers down my spine. there is a monster lurking somewhere in the shadows, just waiting to strike and this frog just might have been the perfect distraction.

Suddenly, the frog's mouth opened, and I braced myself for a loud croak. But instead, it spoke. "I'm here to offer you a deal."

I frowned in confusion and shock. A talking frog? This couldn't... possibly be the monster could it?.

"Are you…a frog?" I asked tentatively, wondering if I was losing my mind or if this was the actual Monster.

The frog stared at me, unblinking, and the silence grew heavy. I shifted uneasily before understanding how stupid that question was "You were saying something about a deal?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me as I tried to shift the silence.

I still was finding it difficult to wrap my head around the fact that a frog was speaking to me and was the Monster in the same rank as the Wendigo yet inginitively stronger than the Wendigo.

"Indeed, I am here to offer you a deal"

When the frog spoke again, its mouth opened, and I saw the words form on its lips. The voice that emanated from the creature was the same, and I struggled to reconcile the sound with its appearance.,

"You have caused a disruption in the world multiple times now, the most recent being the disruption that caused the birth of the Immortal Wendigo" it said, its eyes piercing me

The frog's words caught me off guard, and I stumbled over my own thoughts. "Multiple disruptions? That doesn't seem right," I said, my confusion mounting. The creature went quiet, and I sensed a shift in the air. I had no idea what was coming, but I had a feeling it wouldn't be good.

The tension in the air was palpable, and I braced myself for whatever was coming next ready for some answers.

"It seems you don't know...That's alright as that information is irrelevant to the deal," the frog spoke, its voice measured and calm.

"Wait slow down it is relevant!" I said, my words rushed and frantic.

"I do not care, it is irrelevant to tell you this as it does not relate to the deal I have to offer"

"What do you mean useless!" I shot back angrily staring at the frog.

it went quiet for a second and I saw the frog's eyes narrowed, when all of a sudden I felt a huge amount of pressure surmount upon the body

I was hit with an intense wave of pressure. It felt like gravity itself had multiplied, and I was thrown to my knees.

"Now listen" it demanded in a commanding voice.

"You must stop disrupting the energy particles of the world and give up the Wendigo," the frog commanded, its voice cold and unwavering.

The pressure eased on my body after it spoke and I remained quiet as I struggled to catch my breath, my body feeling weak and heavy.

Even with my weakened state I still forced my exhausted body to stand up between heavy breaths and spoke.

"No, That is not possible" I spoke knowing that it would be impossible for me to not disrupt the plots, as that would just leave me as a weak person in this world.

"Why is me disrupting the world's energies a problem anyways? Don't I just end up creating more of you...monsters?" I asked, my anger rising.

The frog's went silent for a while before it spoke, its response was cryptic, but I did not break a sweat in understanding what it was saying.

""We go by many names, some call us Monsters some call us Gods but We call ourselves the Totenkbrau Der Welt," it said, and I shuddered at the understanding of those words meaning.

"Quiet a fitting name you have picked"


"You still have not answered why disrupting the worlds energy can be such a problem? It just ends up creating more of your kind doesnt it"

It let out a little cackle as it spoke.

"By Disrupting the Unique Energy belonging to a certain area, you indirectly cause it to mix with other energies causing places where the Energy was normal to get contaminated with let's say supernatural Energies giving the ability to people who were never meant to come in contact with such energy gain a pathway to supernatural Abilities"

The implications of the frog's words hit me like a ton of bricks, but I quickly painted my thoughts from going awry with the possibilities.

"Currently, both the times you have disrupted energy, They have not caused any major shifts to the world. But you must stop before you end up somehow causing chaos to the world, by disrupting a Unique Supernatural energy on a major scale" the frog said, its eyes boring into me.

I knew that there was no way I could give up my power, even if it meant risking the wrath of the frog and its kind.

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