

After i was done eating I went down to washroom to clean my hands up.

Luckily at this time there was no one so it was easy to get out of there.

I stepped out of the washroom and started my walk back to the roof top.


I heard my name being shout out, so I turned over with a smile.

I was surprised to see this familiar face.

"Hey Amy"

"Hey! I thought you weren't in school today, I didnt see you in any of the classes"

"Huh, how strange"

"Haha yea"

"Amy, you wouldn't have heard the rumour about us dating right?"

"Well Duh it isnt wrong, is it?


I'm gonna feel like a total scumbag after this.

"Amy we really arent dating you know, I mean your very pretty but..."

"You kissed me James!"

"I thought that meant something!"

oh man she's crying now.

Nope I wont let myself guilt myself into a relationship.

"Amy, I'm sorry your really pretty and literally every boy in school would give anything to go an date with you... So give yourself a little credit"

"You mean everybody but you!"

She shouted and ran away.

Well... I feel like a scumbag or am I a scumbag?

I did kiss her, but i mean she offered... yea I should make things more clear the next time a girl offers...

I walked back to the roof avoiding the cameras.

Soon I reached the roof top when my phone rang once again.

Oh great its Hayley.


"Wow Jamie you really are a play boy huh, Amy was crying in the cafeteria table of ours, she even kicked me out because I was your sister so great job there and also Why? She is a really pretty girl"

"Is she prettier than you?"

"... that's not the point"

"Come Hayley be honest"

"... okay maybe a little"

"Oh is that so, as I remember earlier you called me a narcissist, who knew you were a bit of a narcissist yourself"

"Ugh.. shut up you set me up!"

She cut the call.

I could only shrug my shoulders and get back to coding.


Soon the end of the school day arrived and I exited the rooftop and entered the building.

I felt a few eyes glaring at me, I turned around and saw that it was the popular girls Amy hangs around with.

I ignored them and walked towards the exit.

"Hey James"

I turned around and saw harry who was the leader of the football team.

"Your out"


He didnt answer and walked past me pushing me into the lockers besides me.

I hit lockers making a clanging sound.

People stopped walking and stared at us.

Well that caught me unprepared.

Okay, now I can ignore this and be the bigger man, the benefit is that i dont get in any trouble the con is that this will propably happen way more in the future, this might affect Hayleys reputation, it might affect Alex in her academics as people might start bullying her, I mean she is already classified as a nerd, only reason she doesnt get bullied is my and Hayleys reputation and Luke well...

If I fight him, Sure I'll get in trouble, but no one will mess with Alex, Hayleys reputations will be stronger as she will have a scary brother behind her same for Luke.

I guess there's not much to think about really the options are Clear.

I straightened myself and grabbed Harry's neck and used my full strength to slam him into the Lockers.



He shouted angrily and rushed towards me, the distance wasn't far he was wearing short sleeved shirt which put emphasis on his muscles.

It easy to read from his exposed arms the slight movement from his arms, he is going to punch me with his right hand.

My body moved instantly to avoid the punch he threw out towards me, and just a second later I threw a punch towards his head as he passed me.

He stepped back and held his head as he felt dizzy for a moment.

I took this moment and kicked him in his abdomen knocking the dizzy Harry into the lockers.

"Surround him and attack!"

Three other boys who were part of the football team jumped me trying to attack.

I quickly found out there aim, speed and angle and easily dodged there punches.

Although I'm physically fit and strong, such quick movement of dodging three punches from three diffrent places Is exhausting for the body.

I moved and kicked one of the closer ones straight on his waist making him hold it pain.

As soon as I did that I kitted the other two within a few seconds where they would hit eachother.

They both punched me putting there body weight into it.

Just as there punches were about to land on me I jumped back and those two punches landed on each others faces.

They both held there faces in pain and I took this chance to punch both of them in the head making them stumble back and hold onto eachother for support.

Just as this was about to get more intense I looked around me on the roof and smirked.

There were no Cameras pointed in this speecific area!

So no solid proof.

But the people.

it seems that harry picked a good spots didntt he.

"Hey, Move aside!"

I saw a teacher coming through.

I picked up my back made a shushing sign to the people watching and blended in with the crowd and then disappeared.


People didnt pay much attention to me as I made my way through the crowd and arrived into moms car.

I opened up the front door and got inside.

"Hey honey, how was school"

"Well it sure was something"

The sliding door flung open.

"James that was sooo Cool!"


"James what does Hayley mean"

"Oh... Haha I meant James was just so cool today in the Cafeteria... right James"

"Well I wouldn't say I was that cool, maybe your overexagerating a bit"

"No no I'm sure"

"Oh yea what was so cool that James did Hayley"

"Uhhhh he did this really cool double backflip of a table and impressed the everyone in the cafeteria"

"Right right..."

"Oh really than you should me one of these days"

"Sure mom..."

Damit I have no clue how to do a backflip.

I pulled out my cell phone and started texting Hayley.

'What the hell is wrong with you I have no clue on how to do a single backflip forget double!'

'Well I'm not that good underpressure'

'Really the best lie is I did a backflip in the cafeteria, and now she wants me to show her how to do it!'

'Umm well you can always learn... dad can teach you..'

'Ugh.. you could have thought about a lie when you entered the Car or maybe just kept your mouth shut'

'Well I was really excited and I wasnt thinking much'

'I'm sure your dont really think that often anyways'

'Hey! Screw you I'll tell mom you didnt come to classes and you got into a fight!'

'I dare you, dont think that I have no idea about you boyfriends and I'm sure mom would love to get the whole scoop'

'You wouldn't dare!'

"Hayley Honey what are you texting about you look angry"

"Ugh, Mom Privacy!"


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