
Ep.41 A new bond blossoms and meeting the sister

As the night fell Mike started talking with the Grames family members around the table while avoiding the questions about his father and mother till Calvin tapped his Cane a couple of times and said

"As most of the food is done I'd say dinner is finished, Kaitlin if you would be so kind as to grab the case"

Everyone apart from Mike, James and the chairmen looked shocked before John came forward and said as he stared at Calvin

"Grandfather surely you are joking, it is too important to the family"

Calvin laughed before he said

"You seem to forget that until I choose the next family head my word is law for the family"

No one dared to speak before Kaitlin stood up and left the room before Izzy came out saying to Mike

"Better ready you're self for what's going to happen"

Mike and the others were confused before Kaitlin came back into the room holding a long black case in her hands before Calvin's eyes started to glow a light gold as he tapped his cane once and yelled before the table started to rumble


Just as Kaitlin walked over to where Gideon had sat the entire table was cleared of everything and Calvin said as Kaitlin placed the case on the table in front of him

"I wish to give you a gift to help you in your journey"

Calvin opened the case to reveal a blue handled Katana with the handle guard resembling a tidal wave and said as he grabbed the katana out of the case and slightly unsheathed the sword to reveal its dark blue blade with a few small spots of sky blue in the shape of a star

"These sword's were forged here in this country almost twenty years ago by a young forger and it is said he made five swords nearly identical to this one but this one was said to be his crown jewel and these swords gained their status from being used by The master swordsman Hika limi during the dungeon siege when the first dungeons started to appear"

As mike the the others were looking at the sword Calvin was holding closely only mike had noticed a small engraving of a lotus flower in between the handle and the handle guard and said

"Is that sword called the Seas Tear?"

Calvin looked at Mike for a moment before he said as he sheathed the sword and set it on the table

"Yes but how did you know?"

Mike looked at the lotus engraving and said with a warm smile as he remembered his mother hammering away at a piece of raw metal over and over again while Mike watched from a distance

"That was mine from when I made it for my mother"

Calvin looked around the table to see the members of the Grames family to see all of them besides Izzy shocked by what Mike had just told them

Before Calvin said as he fully unsheathed the katana and set it down on the table in between him and Mike with the tip of the blade facing Mike

"Are you saying that you made this blade? How?"

Mike looked at the beautiful blade and said as he start to remember when he himself began to craft the blade from start to finish

"Yes, this was my first blade after my mother taught me how to make a sword and I had planned to give this sword to her but….. she died"

Izzy asked Mike before Calvin could ask a question about the sword

"If this sword was made by you then how was to sold in an auction 4 years ago?"

Mike began to tear up as he said

"I had to raise money for my mom's treatments so I sold what I could to paid for them"

Calvin and the others saw Mike on the verge of breaking down and crying before he gently tapped his cane and said

"Everyone, give me and Mike some privacy"

James(Mikes father) was about to reach to try and comfort Mike before he stopped and left with the chairmen and the others till only Calvin and Mike remained in the room before Calvin said as he handed the sword to Mike

"Take this sword and should you need the help of the Grames family then I will ask for the sword back"

Mike unsheathed the katana completely and said before he cut his finger and ran the blood down one of the sides of the blade

"No, I want this to be a memento of the night as the night ends as I say wholeheartedly that I don't want to make enemies unless they strike first"

Calvin saw mikes resolve in his eyes before he too cut his finger on the blade and said as he did what Mike did on the other side of the blade

"My friends and I heard a saying once that said I shall not seek war but prepare for war if necessary"

Mike was shocked before he said as he rubbed his neck while thinking about the tattoo on his back

"I know the saying as well and I admire what it means but where did you hear it from?"

Calvin shook his head before he sheathed the katana and placed it into the case and stood up and said as he made his way to the door with Mike following behind him

"I'm sorry but it is a personal matter for me, if you are felling tired then I can ask the maids to prepare a room?"

Mike was very tired but remembered the Christine was watching Raiu for Mike and that he had the keys to his old home before Mike said as he met up with the others

"That won't be necessary but thank you for the offer, we will be leaving now"

The chairmen and James smiled and shook Calvin's hands and said goodbye before the got into mikes car and drove off with the Grames family waving goodbye and once Mike and the others were far enough away Calvin asked Izzy

"What do you think of him Izzy?"

Izzy started to grow taller with a few noticeable changes on her body as she changed from a little girl to a beautiful woman that most men would dream about before he said as she entered the house

"We'll have to watch and see what happens"

On the car ride back the chairmen asked Mike while James stayed silent in the backseat

"What did you and Mr.Grames speak of?"

Mike pulled out his phone and started to call Christine before he said to the chairmen

"That's for me and him to know only, I'll drop you both off at the Hunters initiative headquarters and don't forget to get my new equipment ready"

Once the phone was picked up he immediately heard Christine laughing before Mike said

"Christine? Are you there?"

However to mikes surprise jimmy picked up the phone and said

"Mike, it's Jimmy"

Mike was happy to hear Jimmy and said

"Hey man, can you take Raiu to my house?"

Jimmy then said as Christine kept laughing in the background

"Sure and just so you know I want you to pay for the broken stuff your familiar broke"

Mike knew this might happen and said

"Okay and take Raiu to 189 Bakers street and we'll all go over together"

After hearing the street name his said with a little surprise in his voice

"So you own the house now? Sweet"

James leaned forward and said before Mike tried to elbow him in the face to get him back only for him to dodge

"Well technically I own the house at the moment but yes after I draw out the paperwork Mike will own the house"

Jimmy seemed surprised by the sound of James's voice as he knew better then anyone how much Mike despises his dad before he said

"I'll head right over Mike, we can talk then"

Mike said as he and the chairmen started to see the hunter's building just down the road before he hung up the phone

"See you there jimmy"

Once Mike had stopped outside of the hunters headquarters he said as the chairmen and James got out of the car

"Mr.chairmen, I'll call Ms.Aylin with where to deliver my new hunter gear and…. Thanks for the night"

The chairmen smiled and entered the building before James said as he leaned down to see Mike before he drove off in a hurry

"Your step sister has been using the house recently so just be nice to her, her name is Samantha"

After a short drive Mike reached the meeting spot where he was to meet Jimmy, Christine and Raiu only to be shock as he pulled up to Raiu being absolutely covered in make up with some noticeable things like some eyeliner or a skirt and even a wig before Mike opened his door and said as he looked at Christine applying even more makeup to Raiu

"What's going on here?"

Raiu, Christine and jimmy turned to see Mike before Raiu began charging at Mike at a fast speed only to stop a few inches from Mike and say once

The telepathic link was connected

'MASTER! Do you like my look? The pretty one did it'

Mike looked over to see Christine smiling widely while Jimmy was leaning against a tree and said as he started to wipe the makeup off of Raiu

'Your perfect the way you are, don't ever change'

Raiu started to flap her tail before she started to shake her entire body to quickly get rid of the makeup and once all the makeup was gone Christine pouted and said as she began to stomp her feet

"Nooo! Mike! That took hours to make! She was beautiful!"

Both Mike and Jimmy signed before jimmy hit her on the head and said as he pointed to the gate next to the tree

"Enough Christine, let's go see the house after so long"

Mike took out the keys from his pocket and just as he was going to put the key in the lock he heard a woman say

"Excuse me? What are you doing outside my house?"

Everyone turned to see a skinny and slim woman holding nearly a dozen grocery bags in her hands before jimmy came forward and said as he pointed at Mike behind him

"That house belong to Mike here"

The women looked at Mike and was about to walk over before she felt a chill down her spine only to see Raiu towering over her before she screamed and feinted

Mike walked over and carried the girl who Mike guessed was Samantha and placed her in the back seat and said as him and jimmy picked up the groceries

"Let's head inside I guess"

Once the gate was opened Mike drove up the pathway with Christine in her car behind Mike and jimmy while Raiu was behind her as they made their way up the driveway to see a house that was easily worth hundreds of millions of dollars with multiple balconies that had 4 stories and a pond out front

Once Mike was parked outside the door Mike and Jimmy parked the car and got out while Raiu started to swim in the pond while Mike carried Samantha in to the house with Christine and Jimmy following him with the groceries and once Mike opened the door he was shock to find the interior of the house look like a junkyard with empty cans and garbage lying everywhere on the ground to the point where Mike and the others couldn't move more then three feet before stepping on some junk or an empty can

After seeing the house from the inside Mike shoved off everything off the leather couch in front of the tv and placed Samantha down on the couch while Christine and jimmy started to put away the groceries before they dropped the bags and walked over to Mike and said In unison

"This is a dump"

Mike sighed and asked Jimmy

"Can you got and get some cleaning supplies if one of the stores are opened still? I'll handle the cleaning"

Jimmy immediately left in a hurry while Christine immediately left to play with Raiu in the pond while Mike looked at Samantha lying down on the couch soundly asleep and said to himself

'So your the one who made my home like a junk yard…. Great…. Another fine gift you've given me dad'

Mike then waited nearly a hour hour before Jimmy came through the door with a cart full of cleaning supplies and trash bags as he said

"I'm back! Let's get to work cleaning this place up"

Mike looked at jimmy and said as he put on some rubber gloves and a face mask

"You don't have to help me, it's my house so it's my problem"

Jimmy shook his head and said as Christine came through the door and dried herself off with a towel she had in her car

"Don't you mean our house? We stick together just like we promised"

Mike saw Christine and jimmy starting to clean before he too began when Samantha woke up and screamed and said

"What are you doing in my house?! Get out!"

Mike held her hands and said as she kept trying to hit Mike

"Your in my house and I don't appreciate how you're doing with this place so far"

Samantha kept screaming before Jin bursted through the door saying before Mike let go of Samantha

"Release my daughter now"

Mike saw Jin and said as he lowered his mask as Samantha ran over to jin

"What are you doing here?"

Jin saw mikes face and immediately bowed and said

"Oh I thought you were some kidnapped here for my daughter, my mistake"

Samantha looked at her mother and said

"You know this man? He just broke into my home that your husband said I could use"

Jin shook her head and said as she pointed to Mike who continued to clean up all the garbage

"Your step-Father said you could use it until he could hand it off to his son and that's his son and your new brother"

Mike heard this and immediately yelled at Jin saying

"Don't call that man my father! Now if you won't help clean up this mess then get out!"

Samantha was shocked as she never knew someone could be so angry at a single man before Jin made a hand sign as multiple tales grew on her lower back and said as four identical clones appeared beside her

"[Fox Art: Mist Clones]! This should speed this up and to say sorry for my daughter wrecking your home"

Mike then looked at Samantha and said as he handed her a broom and dust pan

"You made the mess so you're going to help clean it up"

Samantha felt frightened when she stared into mikes eyes as all she felt from them was hatred and anger before she bang to clean and before long every inch of the house was spotless with a mountain of garbage bags outside before Jin burned them to ashes with a small white fire from her palm

Once everything was cleaned Mike jimmy and Christine laid back on the couch while Samantha and Jin sat across from them before Mike said

"So let's get a few things straight, this is my place now but I'm not so cold as to kick you out unless you become a problem for me so I'll let you stay so long as you don't bother me with meaningless things and you help keep the house tidy deal?"

Samantha crossed her arms before Jim said as she looked at her daughter

"Sweetheart, your step-Father told you this day might come and you agreed to it but you don't have to fear Mike because although he may seem the cold and cruel man he is actually nice"

Mike immediately took out his knife he always hid in his sleeve and threw it at Jin only for her to catch it before mike said

"You don't know me lady, and if she doesn't want to follow those rules then she can stay with you and the pile of trash(referring to his father)"

Samantha avoided eye contact with Mike and said before she went upstairs to her room

"Fine, I have work tomorrow so let me go to sleep"

Jin smiled and asked Mike while jimmy and Christine left for their car to go home and pack up to move in

"Mind if I stay the night?"

Mike remained silent before he said as he opened the door to Jin

"No, now get out and I want all your cameras in this house gone and don't try to trick me"

Jin pouted before grabbed all the hidden cameras she had in place before she left and teleported away once she was out the door leaving Mike alone in the living room before he fell asleep on the couch

(Author note)

(Hello readers I'm back and I thought I would let you know that I will try to upload two to three chapters a week from this point forward unless something changes, Enjoy)

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