With the hissing of depressurization, James exited his UVR Pod for the first time in days and stretched his limbs with a pleased expression.
'Not even a hint of stiffness… I still feel a little sore from that last fight with the three of them, but other than that it's like waking up from a deep sleep,' he thought in awe. Despite already knowing this would've most likely been the case, it was still surprising to experience it for himself and led James to be even more satisfied with his first Voucher use.
'Speaking of Vouchers…' the man brought up his [Inventory] tab and gazed at the second one he'd acquired recently. This whole week he'd been excitedly pondering on what to use it for, yet after all his training, he'd been practically forced into one item by his AI's.
'Bloody logic, always being so damn reasonable,' he let out a small sigh as the {Voucher-Body} materialized in his hand. While he'd had so many cool ideas on how to use the thing when it'd arrived, James had to admit that his AI's made some valid arguments.
After completing his hand-to-hand and cold weapons training to his teachers' satisfaction, he had moved on to firearms shortly thereafter. It was during this time that his Elder Blood really started to show its flaws.
While no longer connected to the boundless magical Chaos like Ciri's, his own Blood was still as wild and unruly as ever. True to the system's description, it hadn't changed the way the ability functioned in the least.
James had utilized his new powers extensively whilst in training and that had only served to exacerbate the problem. The more he improved his body and used the Elder Blood, the greater it became, which in turn caused him to use it more, creating a feedback loop that would only continue to grow as time progressed. Eventually, it would get to the point where his body just wouldn't be able to contain all that wild power and imploded, taking whatever world he was currently on with him.
Working with the AI version of Ciri didn't help much either, as she didn't have much better control than himself by this point.
Except on a more macro level, specifically in relation to stuff like universe hopping, James was actually more powerful and skilled in the use of the Elder Blood than her after all his years of training.
In fact, most of what she described as being helpful for her, had already been taught or suggested to him by either Forthencho, Apollyon, Geralt, or Avallac'h. Unfortunately none of them proved particularly sustainable, he couldn't just go around regularly releasing huge bursts of pure magic everywhere, after all. No planet would be able to survive that for long.
Ultimately though, AI Ciri did become one of the biggest contributors to the Voucher discussions and even ended up being the one who'd suggested the final option. Her broader experience with the ability in everyday life, had proved invaluable in deciding which new powers would be the most useful.
Shaking his head in sadness and steeling his determination, James pulled up the [Shop] and entered the [Powers] tab, before typing his query into the search bar. With one last resigned sigh over what could've been, he pushed the Voucher into the screen and clicked the little magnifying glass icon with his will, bringing up the item.
Physique: Six Eyes
•In the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, the bearers of the Six Eyes have immense perception and unrivaled visual prowess far beyond that of any other sorcerer. They can easily see things from several kilometers away and distinctly tell apart different features within that range.
•They also possess the ability to see the flow of Cursed Energy in extreme detail and manipulate their own down to an atomic level. This ultra-precise control is indispensable for the utilization of the commonly paired Limitless technique.
•The Six Eyes are a passive trait that can't be deactivated, yet do not require energy to function.
Cost: 0% FP (Voucher)
The title of this Voucher had been rather confusing at first, something James believed to just be due to sheer laziness on the part of his home reality's deities. While it was labeled as {Voucher-Body}, it was in actuality something for Physiques and not at all related to the system's official [Body] tab. Just like how some Physiques could be put under the Ability category and vise-versa, the meanings behind the names didn't seem to matter all that much to the Gods at the end of the day.
'That, or they had just as bad a naming sense as myself and couldn't think of anything better… but that can't be it right?' James snorted to himself in amusement.
Without giving himself any more time to lament over all the lost opportunities at cooler powers, James purchased the item and switched over to the [Body] tab. Unsurprisingly, nothing much had changed, save for his newly earned musculature being displayed on screen.
After briefly examining the tab, James selected the glowing {Integrate} button at the bottom and the same warning message with a countdown timer as last time appeared.
Seeing as he was still sitting inside the Pod, James didn't move to his bed and just laid back down instead. His head AI had wanted to collect data on this process last time, so he wasn't going to stiff her, again.
"Queen, close the hatch," the man notified her as he got comfortable. "It's starting in 10."
"Very well, sir," she replied through the pod and not a second later, James was enclosed in a glass dome. "Thank you for taking my request into account, this time."
His brow twitched at hearing her slightly miffed tone but, like many a wise man before him, he ignored the angry woman and maintained his silence.
'Ahh~, works every time.'
His mind faded into a peaceful slumber as a slightly smug smile rested across his lips, once again forgetting that Queen had been created using his own memories as a base and thus, knew exactly what he was thinking.
That was fine with her though, AI's were effectively immortal and had a perfect memory. She could wait a long, long time before enacting her revenge, this event was just one more inch to the grave her creator was digging for himself.
'And who knows,' she thought with a smirk as she looked down on her sleeping master, 'when that day comes, you might just willingly jump in yourself…'