Within an office onboard his brand new helicarrier, Nick Fury monitored the conditions of his top agents through a myriad of holographic screens while his mouth formed a thin line. On one of the displays to his right, a scrolling wall of text filtered through various reports coming in from across the globe, with most having to do with the newest 'game' released by ASTIR, Halo.
Already, some agents had completed a mission or two and relayed back vital information on the new title. To say the director was worried by this point, would be an understatement.
Highly advanced, realistically viable technology, military tactics over a hundred years ahead of their own, and live combat action so authentic, it had reignited the PTSD of numerous veterans. Any one of these was enough to give the director a headache for weeks on end, but what really took the cake was the possibility, no matter how slight it may be, that whoever entered the VR, may not be the one who came back.
Memory alteration was not something the World Security Council could ignore. In fact, if it wasn't for nearly every military in the world becoming enamored with the game from the start, SHIELD may have been ordered to take very real action towards preventing the populous from ever getting in VR again.
Fury had to admit that whoever created ASTIR knew what they were doing. To first release a game that could capture the hearts of everyone, and then to follow it up with one that captured their minds. No one had seen it coming, not even him.
There was nothing the man could do and he hated it. They just had to sit back and pray that the one behind this all held no ill-will towards the Earth. Because no matter of one looked at it, they practically held the world by the throat at this point.
As Fury was rubbing his temples in frustration for probably the hundredth time today, thundering klaxons suddenly blared throughout the helicarrier without any warning.
In anger, the director slammed on the comms atop his desk and demanded an explanation, "Hill, what the hell is happening to my goddamn ship?!"
"Sir," the agent responded briskly, "our sensors are detecting a rapidly increasing buildup of dimensional energy, just 10 meters off the starboard side! We've just ordered the naval base to begin evacuations and are now awaiting your orders!"
"Motherfu.. get us moving away from the shorelin-!" Fury began to reply but was cut off when he spotted a blinding pillar of light, crashing down right outside his office window.
As the light gradually began to fade, five figures he recognized from Coulson's report on the incident in Puente Antiguo a few months back, emerged and began walking towards his ship.
'I don't have the time for this shit,' Fury groaned inwardly before getting back to his agent on the bridge, "Hill, bring our alert level down to 2 and for gods sake, turn off those damn klaxons. It would appear we have guests."
"Are they hostile, sir?" Hill asked after the alarms died out.
"Unlikely, but not improbable," Fury said as he threw on his coat and headed out the door. "I want all combat personnel armed and on standby… and keep the weapons systems online but disengaged.
While your at that, pull up Coulson's report from New Mexico and go over it again. Find out if there's anything in there that indicates if those involved had any plans to return to Earth anytime soon.
If there is, send it to my comm. I'm heading up to the deck to meet them."
"Right away, sir," Hill replied and the channel went silent.
Fury sighed as he walked into the elevator and mulled over what could be the possible reason for these Asgardians visiting at this time. As the doors reopened on the top floor, nothing good had come to mind.
He just hoped his ship wasn't in for a throw down like the one he'd read about. He hadn't even gotten the chance to get the thing into the air yet…
As Thor and his companions neared the large ship that he'd been told held the man in charge of the Son of Coul's organization, a ramp extended down towards them from the top deck.
"Ah! It looks like we've been expected," Volstagg said with great cheer as he smiled widely.
"No, you fool," Sif snapped, annoyed at his mood in such a dire situation. "We arrived practically on top of them. They'd have to be blind not to notice us!"
"Oh… teehee," the round warrior chuckled sheepishly.
Hogun and Fandral shared a glance but made no comment, they too weren't in the mood for jokes. The king had told them that this was to be a one way trip and without the Bifrost, Asgard couldn't afford to send her armies away. There weren't going to be any reinforcements and, no matter how much they liked to brag, the five of them couldn't face a fleet on their own.
Thor ignored their banter as he marched in front while clenching down on his hammer, his mind filled with worry. It wasn't until they reached the deck that he paused to survey their surroundings.
As he spotted a dark-skinned man, with a face that eerily matched the one his father often bore in his childhood when receiving word of his and Loki's misadventures, he spoke for the first time since their arrival on Earth, "I am Thor, son of Odin, and these are my companions. I have come seeking the organization of the Son of Coul and have been told that I could find them here."
Fury raised an eyebrow at the way he addressed his top agent, but replied without mentioning it, "Greetings, Prince Thor. I am Nicolas Fury, Director of SHIELD. Coulson is one of my men."
After seeing the Asgardian party nod, he skipped to the main topic, "If I may ask, what brings you to Earth at this time? Coulson never mentioned that you intended to do so, at least not this soon."
Thor's face grew solemn at the question, which caused the men accompanying Fury to tense, and spoke seriously, "It is due to a matter of dire importance. Sadly, this is all Asgard could spare to aid Midgard in these troubled times…"
Fury's brow furrowed at the reply and, looking at the equally sullen faces of the Prince's companions, he quickly deduced that this matter was serious.
"I see…" coming to a decision, he turned around and waved off his men before speaking, "Come with me inside, I feel we have much to discuss."
The armor-clad group nodded and followed the Director to the elevator while inspecting the ship with heavy hearts. If this was all the Earthlings had, then they were in for a tough fight indeed.