
No Escape

Seth looked up at the not very friendly looking clouds rotating in the sky and without a word once again shot off.

Faced with such strange and ominous clouds, anyone should be wary, yet even as Seth ran, he still felt nothing but peace, his mind actually wanting to stand in place and bask in the serenity of the thundering sky.

As he ran Seth looked behind him but quickly discovered he was looking in the wrong direction, as right above him, the dark cloud stood, churning and screaming, rotating and occasionally lighting up with lightning while keeping perfect pace with him.

Seth ran for a few more meters and then stopped, observing the dark clouds stop at exactly the same time he did.

"I can't shake it" 

"Of course, you can't," Alexia said, hugging Seth's back, the woman resting her head on his shoulder in defeat.

"What do you mean I can't? Do you know why this happening, how do I beat this heavenly thing?"

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