
Untamable Arrogance 2

....Minutes earlier …....

Seth found himself stuck between two people who he couldn't escape from, Treuchi stood behind him, ready to kill him if given the slightest chance, while this woman who was called Amelia stood in front of him, blocking his way.

Natasha had an offer for him, one that would save his life, but at the same time require his servitude.

"What if I just run away after you've saved me," Seth asked after hearing Amelia's deal, he wanted to know just how this woman planned to keep him in check if he decide to renegade on their agreement.

"oh, well we have this" Amelia's smiled and pulled out a paper, and immediately the paper appeared, the atmosphere tensed up and the wind began lightly blowing around them in a frenzy, he even found it hard to keep the little flickers of lightening on himself active, it was like just the presence of this paper was putting the natural order of things in chaos.

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