
Augustus and Rhaegar

the king's retinue was arriving, led by the young prince Rhaegar Targaryen who rode beautifully, his long white hair gleaming in the sun giving him an exquisite appearance.

Rhaegar looked and saw the old lion Tywin waiting for everyone, beside him was the beautiful Joanna Lannister, although she was pale it did not affect her beauty.

Behind were 3 young people, Jaime Lannister in his young warrior armor, the beauty Cersei and next to the person who most caught Rhaegar's attention, a beautiful blonde girl with green eyes and perfect face, but strangely wore noble male clothes

Rhaegar felt a strange warmth as he looked at Augustus, finally remembering the rumors that the Lannister heir looks like a beautiful girl but is a man.

'shit, what am I thinking, it's a boy.....a beautiful boy, but it's a boy' Rhaegar tried to regain his composure

Augustus noticing the prince's gaze just smiled, he was used to it, his beauty was perfect

Besides, Rhaegar was very attractive too, which pleased Augustus.

Augustus was not gay, but bisexual, men and women he wanted everyone, suck pussy and cock, penetrate and be penetrated, why choose when he can do everything?

Rhaegar got off his horse and greeted everyone smiling, Cersei beside her had a red face, she knew her father's idea, although she loved Jaime, being queen was a dream

Rhaegar was charismatic, so he shook hands with everyone, arriving at Augustus's turn he was strangely shy

Augustus raised his beautiful hand and greeted Rhaegar

touching Augustus' hand, the dragon prince felt Augustus' smooth and flawless skin, his heart started to race again

"your highness, nice to meet you"

the seductive voice of Augustus rang out to the young prince

Augustus smiled seeing Rhaegar's reaction, if his body wasn't so new he would undoubtedly love to have fun with the prince

Rhaegar smiled

"Augustus, I heard many rumors about you" Rhaegar

"rumors are just that, in the end only knowing the person can we talk, I hope we have time...to get to know each other better" Augustus said

his last words were in a low voice, only the prince heard, his face turned red again

finally the whole party arrived, King Aerys came out of the carriage, his strange appearance and his negative look at Tywin was expected

"Tywin, I didn't know your firstborn was actually a girl," said the king, but he was clearly sneering.

Tywin wasn't angry, that was to be expected, but he was confident that in this tournament everyone would understand his son's greatness.

the old lion ignored the mean comments, maybe the only thing that made him uncomfortable were the comments about Tyrion, even though he didn't hate the young dwarf, he still didn't let Tyrion appear


At the feast, Aerys even said something uncomfortable about Tyrion and Augustus but no one started a fight.

Augustus even secretly cast a few flirtatious glances at the prince.

Aerys was so preoccupied with judging someone else's children that he didn't realize his own son was slowly taking a liking to another man.

Augustus is not a hot-blooded man, the offenses spoken by the king, he just smiles, but that doesn't mean he forgets

as an entrepreneur in his last life, his biggest lesson learned is to wait for the right moment and never miss an opportunity

'offend me, go on, meanwhile I will make your son my lover and in the future all your legacy will be mine' Augustus

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