
Chapter 10

"I feel so disconnected from the world, and I feel like no one even notices me or cares about me anymore "


I walked leisurely to the shower, steam filling the room as I turned the shower on. I bathed my skin lightly, while I try not to remember those images. Suddenly I remembered the shit that happened between Bradley and me, I felt really embarrassed.

Only God knows what I said to that butthead!. I'm sure he will come bugging me when he sees me.

I dried my body properly, while I applied some body lotion on my baby skin that glows so much.

I dressed in my black baggy hoodie with my black jean. I heard the door open, and I was surprised to see Jenny.

"Hey! Jenny good morning" I greeted her while she looked at me like as if I have poo on my body. The thought of that makes me wanna throw up. What the hell! is wrong with her, duh...

I walked out of the dorm room while I left for my morning class. . On my way to my class, I saw Bradley talking to one of his friends. I quickly used my hoodie to cover my heard. I couldn't risk being seen by him, uurrgggg !.

I sat quietly at the front seat with my hoodie still on my head. The student kept entering the class until all the seat became non-vacant.

The professor came in and everywhere became completely silent like a graveyard.

After my second class, I went to the school garden for more quietness. I felt like someone was following me everywhere I go which was weird. I tried ignoring it, thinking it was all my imagination.



I noticed she has been ignoring me rather than giving me attention. I was kinda worried about her after what happened yesterday. I was like"who the hell! is Angel" she must be completely obsessed over this guy I don't even know.

Her facial expression tells me a lot about her and I believe there is a demon tormenting her if you understand what exactly I meant by that.

Her emotion was not easily hidden on her innocent face. Her pain was evident in the increase of her lovely brow and the down -curve of her lips. But her eyes, her eyes showed her soul. They were a huge pool of restless soul, an ocean of restless grief.

As I looked into her eyes I knew, all the beauty of the universe could not hope to compete with her. All this made me more attracted to her, I knew she has something going on in her mind and it kills her. Only if I could stop being a butthead for once๐Ÿ˜ฅ.

I saw her walking in a particular direction, her attention was diverted to it. Who knows what she is up to again, so I decided to follow every of her move without her knowing.


When I got to the garden I sat down all by myself while I lied down on the smooth ground that gave me more comfort than any other thing right now.

I put on my headphone that was playing loud music and it was blasting through my headphone. I got really intoxicated with lyrics. I couldn't even hear anything going on around me. I was listening to Scar cause it reminds me a lot about my self.

Music is my life, music gives me life and it gives me more reason I need to stay strong and prove those motherfucker wrong that I can fight this battle. Music teaches me not to always run away from my problem, but rather face it.

Garden always gives me more air to breathe. The flowers beautify my life and mould it up in a way that makes my physical body looks more alive.

Suddenly I felt someone trying to remove my headphone. I looked up to see who it was and I saw him standing in front of me with a smirk. I felt like slapping the smirk out of his annoying face. He is so annoying.

"Are you stalking me now?" I asked with annoyance.

"Me? I'm not, I was only walking around and found you here, what a coincidence!" He said with that stupid smirk on his silly face.

"You're such a big fat liar!"

"Okay fine! I came to check up on you"

"And I'm fucking okay, so fucking leave me alone"

"No, I'm not," he said with a soft voice.

"You're so annoying, I'm sure God wanted to trash you since he knew you are a problematic child but then u slipped out of his hands and fell into hell!"

He started laughing like as if what I said was meant to be funny. I gave up and I tried leaving him but he pulled me back. His touch sent electricity to my body. I felt this tingling sensation throughout my body.

"Leave me alone!" I said angrily but he wouldn't let go.

"Who is Angel?"

His question caught me off guard making me get shocked. Fuck no! how did he even know? I asked my self.

He could see the worried facial expression on my face.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I must have said some things to him that I shouldn't have said.

"I'm not buying that, you know what I'm talking about so stop the pretence"

"Damn! you I'm not pretending and it's none of your damn! business, I was only drunk and that's it" I tried making it sound like it was the damn truth. But this hard nut seems not to buy any of it. Who cares!.

"I know you're lying but I will let this slide," he said while he left.

Thank God! I said to no one but me.

After my last class, I quickly left the school to avoid seeing him and I also wanted to do all my assignment since it was much and it needed to be submitted tomorrow.

Next chapter