
Midterm Exams - Part 5

"That's all for now. You can leave."

As Kaoru brought the meeting to a close, the students, who had been visibly struggling to maintain their attention throughout the session, began to gather their belongings and file out of the room.

I checked my watch, noting that the hands pointed to a quarter past four. The dim light filtering through the window panes seemed to accentuate the weariness etched on their faces as they filed out of the room. As the last of my classmates left, I too, gathered my things and made my way out of the room.

I departed the library and went to my dorm room.

The soft glow of the setting sun illuminated my path as I made my way towards my dormitory. I finally reached the door to my dorm room, unlocked it and stepped inside.

"You're done with your study?"

As I stepped into my dorm room, a familiar voice called out to me, and I turned to find Kimura standing there. I offered a nod in response.

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