
Vol. 2 Chapter 62: Looker and Anabel

I was led to an interrogation room, and a nurse Joy was sent in to check me over to make sure I wasn't injured. The woman was professional and did a quick look over my body.

"I can't believe that someone would be willing to help someone that was trying to arrest them. Do you know Agent Jennifer?" The nurse asked, and I shook my head.

"I met her just before we were attacked and she wasn't very polite to me," I said, and stretched a bit before looking back at the nurse Joy. It was uncanny how much she looked like my own, but Officer Jenny's family tree was the same from what I understood.

"Really? And you were still willing to help her?" Joy asked, and I shrugged.

"I don't really want to call it helping. I tried to push her out of the gas, but it was too late, and I just tripped over her. I then scared away Team Plasma, but they were there for me," I explained.

"You mean because of your unique abilities?"

"Yeah, and it was because of the attack that I didn't want to leave her. I am not a Pokémon, no matter how it might appear, but I am a friend. I was hoping to be a bit more," I said, and Nurse Joy nodded, a smile on her face.

"You really are a nice young man," she said, and left.

I took a deep breath and then looked around. 'How long do I have to let them keep me locked up like this?'

[Agent Looker should be coming in shortly. They are probably just confirming the information about the antidote recipe you gave them.]

I walked over and took one of the chairs at the table and sat down to wait. Part of me just wanted to go back to Prisma, but that would just make everyone here freak out when I disappeared. Instead, I just waited in silence until the door opened and a relieved looking Agent Looker entered the room.

"Landon, Thank you. Jennifer is awake already, but she is taking a few days off. Once we are done here, she would like for you to visit her," Looker explained and then took a seat across from me.

"Well, that is good. So, can you explain to me why we are here?" I asked, and Looker looked a bit worried but nodded.

"Let's start with the basics. You have an unusual ability that transcends everything we know about Pokémon. You can catch humans, and give human form to Pokémon. You seem to have the ability to use Psychic Type powers and more. You have the ability to transform your body into a Pokémon's. What are you?"

I didn't say anything at first, I instead looked to Cryo on how I could explain this the best. 'What do I even say to this?'

[Just explain how we are able to do what we are doing. They will either believe you or not, but this will let us have some allies.]

I sighed. "I don't expect you to understand, but the Pokémon, Cryo, is the one who is the real person behind this. He is the one who gave me my abilities."

Looker didn't respond at first, and his expression became neutral. "And why would a Pokémon give a person these abilities? Why would it want to make you this way?"

"Because it's final evolution is trapped somewhere, and wished me to rescue them. I have to get stronger, and retrieve other Cryo that are being used. I am sure that you know about the incident that just happened on Paldea, and I was the one that stopped the being known as Garon. I am currently holding him prisoner along with his corrupted Cryo inside Prisma," I explained without holding back. According to the information Cryo gave me about Agent Looker, he was a trustable as they came, so I figured he was the best to spill all my beans to.

Looker leaned forward, and his expression was a bit more intense. "Are you talking about Ultra Beasts? And did you just say the future?"

I shrugged. "I really don't understand everything, but he is a powerful being who has evolved into a form that is beyond comprehension. His final evolution, which is the Cryo we are searching for, is not an Ultra Beast, but a Pokémon from the distant future where Pokémon and technology merge together."

"I don't really understand all of this. It sounds crazy. Are you telling me that you are from the future as well?" Looker asked, but I shook my head.

"Not really, but sort of. With the help of my Cosmog, Lumi, I used an Ultra Space Wormhole to leave my previous timeline to come to this one. The reason for doing this was to prevent humans from learning how to travel into Ultra Space, or at least a certain group known as the Aether Foundation. I am sure you know about them in this timeline, right?"

Looker looked at me and then shook his head. "Never heard of them. Are they the reason why you are here?"

I paused at this with a frown. "What do you mean? They are an organization in the Alola region. There is no way you haven't heard of them."

Looker frowned back at me, but shook his head. "I would know about such a place, but I have never heard of it."

[There are no records of Aether Foundation, or any of the people that worked there in this timeline. There is a chance that us coming here with Lusamine could have somehow altered the timeline.]

I frowned and shook my head. "If that's the case, then I guess it doesn't really matter. Anyways, do you think that we could switch to a bigger room? There are some people and Pokémon that I would like you to meet, but I will only warn you once, and you had better make sure that every person in the building gets this message. Harm a hair on my girl's body outside of any training, or try to run any tests on them, or me, and I will level this island and then go take care of the other three hidden bases around the world. This is not up for debate, since I am only here because Cryo suggested that it might be good for me. This is not a threat, but a promise."

"You are not in a position to be making threats, Landon. The fact that you are still here shows that you have some trust for us, and are hoping to be able to use our help. If that is the case, then let us help you. You can start by showing me who or what exactly you are, and tell me everything," Looker said calmly.

I narrowed my eyes. "Would you like to test me? If this is the response you are going to give me then I have no reason to stay here. If you think that you have the advantage on me, rather than just agree not to hurt, or run tests on my friends, then my choice is made. I wouldn't mind training with some of your people, but don't think for a minute that I actually need your help. I came here on my own free will, even after your agent rudely tried to force me."

Looker looked at me, and then started to chuckle. "You have a lot of nerve. No one has talked to me like that before. I must say, it is refreshing. But, no, I am not going to fight you. We do want to help, and if this is what you ask, then we will not run any tests, or run any experiments. I also won't have you fight my agents. However, please understand that, at times, we might have to call upon your help."

I rolled my eyes at this. "Then what is the point of me being here? Just so I can be your extra man power?"

I didn't expect this guy to be so hard headed. I had a feeling he was just going to use us, and I was done being a tool.

"I understand. Please give me a moment," Looker said, and got up, leaving the room.

I took a deep breath. 'This is not what I had expected.'

[They are just trying to figure out what to do with you. In their eyes, you are dangerous. This isn't just because you can catch humans, but more about the groups that would want you to use this power against others in an evil way. While Looker might seem hardheaded, he is just doing his job.]

After a few minutes, the door opened, and Looker entered the room, but there was another woman that was dressed up in a suit with him.

"Hello, Landon. My name is Anabel. I am also a part of the International Police. It seems that you have made quite a stir around here," the woman said, and then sat down while Looker stood beside her.

"Landon, you must understand that the International Police is not something that anyone can just join. It takes a lot of time, and effort to even be considered. I am not going to pretend to understand what you are capable of, but it would seem that you have some power, or knowledge that is too valuable for us not to utilize. However, we are not a military organization, and don't have the luxury of having a standing army, but you would be more than welcome to join us," the woman said, and I just gave a blank stare.

"That is not what I am after, I only seek to have myself, my friends, and my Pokémon train with your people. Nothing more nothing less. If I could ask for anything else, it would be to keep an eye on Blueberry Academy. My live stream has clearly made some waves, and brought a lot of attention to me and the academy," I replied, and Anabel looked at Looker who nodded.

"I have already been informed about the school, and have taken a look at it. We have agents that will be stationed there once you return, but you are far from this world's only problem. I am still not sure if you are a problem or solution, but I would like to know the answer," Anabel explained, and I sighed.

"Fine. If you help me out with my training, then I will help you deal with some of your problems. Deal?" I asked, and Anabel smiled.

"We will take the deal, but only if you let me have a chance to talk with all your friends. This is not just a negotiation, but a request."

"Fine. We will stay, but if anyone tries anything funny, you will wish you had never crossed paths with me," I said, and Anabel smiled.

"I don't plan to betray your trust, but the same goes for you. If you betray our trust, I won't hold back," she replied.

I nodded, and then pointed at the door. "We are going to need a much bigger room than this."

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