
Vol. 2 Chapter 42: Yeah, That Is Not Normal

Well, this was awkward. Crispin just stood there with his mouth open, pointing at my Sobble, who was now hiding behind me. I was glad that she got a form that wasn't as distracting as the other girls I had caught, but Crispin was clearly having a hard time processing what he was seeing.

"Is that... Did your Sobble just speak?" Crispin asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.

I glanced at Sobble, who peeked out from behind me, her big turquoise eyes watching Crispin warily. "Yeah, she did. Her name is Lyssandra," I replied, giving her a reassuring smile.

Lyssandra stepped out from behind me and gave a timid wave. "Hi..."

Crispin blinked a few times, then rubbed his eyes as if trying to clear them. "I've never seen anything like this before. Pokémon don't usually talk like humans nor do they look like one! That can't be normal!"

My Sobble gave a start and shrunk back behind me again. I glared at Crispin, who winced.

"Sorry. I didn't mean it like that," he said hastily, holding up his hands, and I let out a sigh.

I should have known that some people would react like this. I was sure that more people were going to act like this in the future if I kept them hidden, so it might just be better to try and normalize them by having them around with me more. Still, the Meowth was out of the bag, and Crispin looked like he wasn't going to let this go.

"Well, it's not exactly normal, but that's just the way it is. I am sure that Geeta told you I was special, right?" I asked, and Crispin sighed, putting his head down on one hand.

"Sure, but when she said your Pokémon were different, I didn't think she meant they would be more human and be able to talk like us... Crazy," Crispin mused, but then gave me a raised eyebrow look. "Does this work for all the Pokémon you catch?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I call them Paradise Forms. I guess you could say that they are special variations that only I can catch."

"And... Just how much like humans are they?" Crispin asked, seeming more nervous, and a bit red-faced now, making me laugh.

"Oh, they are human enough. I guess that I might as well let everyone come out," I said and then turned to my Sobble. "Lyssandra, you can go back and relax. I will come and see you later, okay?"

She smiled and nodded, and then disappeared into a light, going back into her ball.

"Alright, guys, it is safe to come out," I said, and five girls popped out, and each came over and hugged me.

Crispin could only stumble back and fall on his butt. "Just what am I looking at?! Are those pretty women really all Pokémon?! Why do they all look so attractive?!"

I wanted to try to explain, but Popsicle started to pull on my sleeve. "Where is that silly lizard you just caught? I am going to beat her so bad that her kids will have bruises!" She puffed, but I gave her a chop with my hands between her ears on the top of her head.

"Leave Lyssandra alone, or you are going to be the one getting knocked out. She is over three times your left, and I am sure that even her fart would knock you out," I warned, and Popsicle grumbled but backed off.

"Master, who is the red-haired man? Is he your friend?" Lumi, my Cosmog asked, floating over in the white Pawmi dress that barely contained her black breasts.

I chuckled and scratched her head. "This is Crispin. He is a trainer like me, and... I guess we are working together. He did say that he was going to make us all lunch," I explained, and Lumi smiled, floating over to me for a hug, but then Leilani, my Ralts, and Finny, my Finneon pushed her out of the way.

"Are you going to have a battle?" Finny asked excitedly.

"Are you going to show us your special form?!" Leilani asked as well.

I smiled, but then looked at Crispin, who was still on the ground in shock, but he was also blushing. I guess Lacey wasn't the only thing he liked, but these girls were mine. Still, I could see some people who would want to form relationships with girls like mine in the future. The problem was the world was full of bad people who would stop at nothing to get Poke-Girls like this, meaning, for now, the girls had to stay in Prisma.

"Do you want to make us that lunch you promised? I think it is about time that I introduced you to the rest of my team," I offered, he looked up at me with an excited smile, and I sighed, realizing that he was a little pervert, too.

"Yeah, I will make some food, and then maybe a battle between the two of us?" Crispin asked but then looked around the room, and his excitement faded a bit. "But, I don't know how I am going to handle this..."

"A battle sounds fun, but just know that I do things a bit differently," I laughed but then frowned. "What are you having trouble with? Are the girls too distracting?"

"Yes, well, I mean no, that is not the problem. I just didn't bring enough food for all of us because I thought I would be feeding normal Pokémon..." Crispin explained, and I nodded at this.

"Ahh, that makes sense. Well, I can just take the girls to eat at home, so no worries," I said with a smile, and Crispin let out a relieved smile.

"Next time we go out, I promise to make sure and pack enough, but what about the battle?" Crispin asked, and I nodded, my smile turning into an excited grin.

"Sounds good, but I am not going to hold back, so I am sorry to your Pokémon in advance!" I laughed, and Crispin straightened up, pulling out a Poke Ball.

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