
Vol2. Chapter 1: The Aftermath

The next day, while everyone was still getting settled in, I headed off to meet up with Clive, Greeta, and all the Gym Leaders of Paldea. I contacted Clive last night and explained to him about my fight, and everything else. He had asked to call me back, and an hour later he did, requesting that I come to the Uva Academy in the morning for a meeting with everyone.

Before leaving, Tallia had asked to see me, and I had come to her Habitat which was filled with countless gardens filled with flowers. There was also a small house in the center of everything where Tallia stood waiting for me. As soon as she saw me, Tallia ran out to meet me.

"What do you think of the place?" I asked, after catching Tallia, who was smiling brightly.

"It is really lovely, but the fact that I can jump between the other girls' habitats is pretty amazing too!" Tallia said excitedly but then looked away with a blush growing on her face. "I heard there are certain ways that we can also improve our habitats, right? That is what Nemona told me."

I blushed a bit at this but then summoned Cryo. "Is that really the only way to gain HP for the girls?"

"For the ones with pink balls, like Tallia, Nemona, Joy, Jolene, and Lusamine, mostly. You can also do activities together, but expressing your feelings, and being connected will always earn you more. As for the people not in love with you yet, or the ones that will only be friends, they can complete tasks in Prisma. Each of them will be able to pick roles, or jobs in the city," Cyro explained, and I chuckled, and Tallia buried her burning face in my chest.

I knew that Nemona would have told her all about what we did to get her points. Unlike Nemona, Tallia was a lot more shy and reserved about bedroom talk, so I decided not to push her too much on the subject. this type of thing would happen naturally over time, and I was in no rush.

"Don't take everything too seriously right now. You just got here, so there is no rush, okay?" I said with a smile, patting her head.

Tallia looked up at me and then pushed her green hair to the side to smile up at me. "Thank you, Landon. Now you had better get going. It is not often that all those people get together, so I don't think you should keep them waiting."

I smiled and pulled away from Tallia. "Have a good day then," I said and closed my eyes.

I opened them again to find a large tent set up near the crater I had created. Two men were standing at the entrance to the tent, and they both looked shocked when they spotted me.

"Are you, Landon?" One of the men asked me as I started to walk over, and I nodded. summoning Cryo so they could see him.

This got another round of surprised expressions, but then one of the men shook his head. "Clive said you might seem strange, but I guess he wasn't joking around."

I smiled as I walked up to them. "Just hope that what you just saw is the strangest thing you have to witness."

Both men nodded, and then one pulled back the tent flap to reveal a long table with a large number of people around it. Some I knew, but many I didn't. If there was one thing that they all shared was a look of importance, but they were mostly gym leaders, so that made sense.

"Landon, it is good of you to join us all," Clive said, standing up, and then pointing around the table.

"Each of the people here are gym leaders and the head of the school Greeta. More people should be part of this conversation, but I think it is better we keep this quiet for now," Clive explained, and then gestured for the only open chair. "Please take a seat if you would, but maybe give yourself a brief introduction for the ones that don't know about you, and maybe an example of your abilities."

I nodded and walked over to the table, but I activated my Uncommon Ground skin. The earth below my feet rose up and covered my body as I made my way over to my place, making most of the room gasp out in shock. 

"I won't show you any of my abilities, but I am sure you can guess from how I look that I have similar abilities as other Pokémon," I explained, and let my transformation drop off my body as I deactivated the skin. "I also have a couple other strange abilities. Some of them you might not agree with, but I urge you to wait until I am finished to ask any questions."

With that, I summoned Lumi's ball in one hand and pressed the glowing button on the center of the bright pink Pokeball. As my Cosmog came out, one of the younger Gym Leaders jumped up from her seat. She had strange balls in her head that alternated from pink and blue, and she was wearing an oversized green and black hooded sweater.

"What is that?!" The girl demanded, trying to pull out her phone, but Clive dove across the table, snatching it out of her hand.

"What part of keeping this a secret for now don't you understand?!" He demanded, grabbing another phone she was trying to pull out.

"No! This is huge! I want to be the first person to steam whatever the heck that thing is! She is so pretty! Can I at least get a picture?! They will think she is dressing up!" The girl pleaded with Clive who snatched another phone from her.

Looking over at Katy, who was beside me, I frowned. "Who is that?"

"That is the Levincia Gym Leader Iono. She is also one of the most popular streamers online currently. I am sure she wants to be the first to show your Pokémon off, but I personally don't think that is a very good idea. At the same time, this type of thing is going to be very hard to keep a secret," Katy explained, and I had to agree.

I never really thought about it, but this could actually be a lot more trouble than I originally thought. I barely knew what a streamer, or even the internet was for that matter. The internet had been new, but now it appeared that people watched others all over the world. That meant I and my Pokémon might be seen by many.

As the two continued to argue, I cleared my throat, and they both stopped, and everyone looked at me.

"Again, I would ask that everyone waits till I am done. There is a reason why Clive doesn't want this information public knowledge yet. There is some part that should probably never leave this room, but it is going to be hard," I said and looked at Lumi, who smiled up at me. 

I smiled back at her, then returned her ball to take out Joy and Jolene's, releasing them. Everyone but Greeta, Clive, and Katy jumped up from their seats in disbelief, and I could understand the reaction. This was something taboo.

"D-Did those women just come from a Pokeball?!" A tired-looking man in a worn black suit with a blue tie asked, and I nodded.

"This is why I want this kept a secret for as long as possible," I said, but then a woman with violet hair and an elegant white dress swept across the room to grab Jolene's hands.

"Jolene! What is the meaning of this?! Were you really caught by this boy?!" She demanded, and Jolene laughed.

"In more than one way," Jolene smiled and then looked fondly at me.

"You can't be serious! This is some effect of that Pokeball!" The woman declared, but Jolene turned back to her, the smile vanishing.

"This has no effect. I have been spending time with Landon for the last little while, and I love spending time with him. Now I get to spend even more time with Tallia, so don't be so angry, Tulip. You should be able to tell that this is the same woman that you knew when we were my daughters' age," Jolene explained, and Tulip let out a sigh, pressing her head against Jolene's.

"As long as you are okay and happy, then I can't ask for more, but are you saying that your daughter has been caught as well? Just how many more have there been?" Tulip asked, pulling back from Jolene, and then looking at me.

The look I got was not one that I liked. It was the kind a female best friend gives a guy that she thinks is trying to steal her friend from her. Or at least that was what I assumed it was. Regardless, I was not excited about going to that gym. I would have to make a note to ask Jolene later what gym it was so I could avoid it till the end.

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