
Ch 664 - Hand it Over

"Oh?" Alex asked. "Are you planning on telling me what it is? Please stop stalling. I don't have the patience for it. Just say whatever it is before we get any older." He squinted at her. "Have you been the leader of the sect for all those thousands of years? You don't look that old. Anyway, life moves faster these days, so can we just get on with it?"

"Don't be so ignorant," Bella said, rolling her eyes at him. "You have no idea what you're doing, do you? You're behaving like a child, and you're not worth my time. Don't you think I have better things to do at this time of night? Unfortunately, there's something about you that arouses the interest of important people, and you also have something people want. So, you've brought this trouble on yourself."

She sighed, clearly exasperated with him. "Young man, don't you understand yet? I'm offering you a way out of this. A way to survive. I advise you to take it. Otherwise, I'll have to give you to the Ghosts, the Naysmith family, the Thornton family, or one of your many other enemies. Your life is in danger because many people want what you have. Think about it."

Alex suddenly realized what she meant. "So, that's what this is about," he said. "Now I understand, but I don't need your warning. I can take care of myself."

He met her gaze. "But it's not really about warning me, is it? No, I think you've just taken a fancy to my latest discovery, haven't you? This is about greed, and you want to be the one in control. You know that it will make you powerful, and then you'll be able to wield power over everyone. That's all you care about. No authority would be able to stop you. Well, I think that's despicable."

He paused for a moment before continuing. "You intend to take something from me, purely for your own benefit, and you care nothing for the people who need it. You're not really offering me a way out; you just thought that was the easiest way of ensuring you got what you wanted. Whether I hand it over or not, you intend to beat me and then give me to my enemies. You should be ashamed of yourself."

Bella snorted. "You have no right to judge me," she said. "You're merely a pawn in this game, and you're nothing compared to me. So, don't think you can lecture me on what's right or wrong. You have no idea of the importance of what you have! Besides, how do you intend to stop me? Are you going to call the police?"

She laughed, satisfied that things would go her way. Alex had been right. She fully intended to take his invention and then hand him over to his enemies. That way, she would get everything she wanted.

"You intend to steal from me," Alex said flatly. "You haven't asked me for anything or made any offer. You simply intend to take it. That's theft. I should report you to the police and have them deal with you. After all, I'm a good citizen who abides by the law, and you're a reckless, hypocritical thief. You need to re-evaluate your choices and learn to obey the law, or one day, you'll end up in trouble."

"Oh, be quiet," Bella snapped, losing patience. "There's nothing the police can do. They only deal with problems on the surface, and they have no idea what goes on in the darkness. The Demon sect remains in the shadows, but we have all the power. The police cannot stop us. I'm not afraid of you, Alex, so hand it over, and maybe I will spare your life."

"So you're determined to go through with it?" Alex asked, shaking his head. "Well, spell it out. What do you want from me? I have a lot of things people might be interested in. If you want something specific, ask for it directly. Then we can discuss it." He knew exactly what she was talking about, but he wanted her to make it very clear.

Bella's eyes lit up with greed, believing she was about to get what she wanted. She turned her head slightly and called out, "Dawson, what's the name of his trauma medicine?" Then she turned back to Alex. "Are you really prepared to hand it over?"

Dawson stepped forward, wearing a mask to obscure his face. "The powder is called Golden Health," he said, his tone respectful. "If you can get the recipe to make it, the Demon sect will be able to pass it down through the generations, giving them an advantage and securing their future."

Bella nodded with satisfaction. She wanted to be the one to make this happen, and she was so close that she could almost taste it. Golden Health would make her famous, and everyone would treat her with respect.

Dawson stepped back, fading into the shadows.

"How does the Demon sect already know about Golden Health?" Alex asked, narrowing his eyes. "You must have members everywhere. Have you been spying on me? I can see how badly you want my special healing powder, but I don't understand why." He looked at Bella. "You're clearly powerful, and you've been around a lot longer than me. Surely you could create such a healing powder yourself, probably with your eyes closed. So, why haven't you? Why resort to theft?"

Alex frowned. The Moon Palace cult had been around for a long time, and they had accumulated a lot of knowledge on a wide range of subjects. They had studied hard to obtain all their secrets, occasionally trading knowledge with others. By contrast, the Demon sect resorted to espionage, extortion, and theft for everything they had. And yet, they had the nerve to consider themselves on an equal footing with other sects.

It was getting late, and Alex didn't want to deal with Bella. He wanted to put an end to this nonsense and go home.

"Don't be insulting," Bella said. "I don't answer to you, and you have no right to look down on the Demon sect."

Alex laughed. "Your sect is worthless. Lachlan's daughter, Rebecca, is the only decent person among you." He shook his head. "You said that the police only care about more trivial matters. Well, let's put that to the test. Why don't we call Brian?"

Bella scowled. "You've already provoked me several times," she said, growing irritated. "I came here to give you a chance, and you've thrown it back in my face. So, now I'll make you regret that." She gestured to her sect. "Beat him. Maybe then he'll have a change of heart."

The five warriors walked forward, their eyes locked on Alex, as if they could destroy him simply by glaring at him.

Alex grinned. "So, now that you've realized you can't manipulate me, you're moving straight to attacking me? It's a pity there are only five of you. It's hardly worth the effort." He stood still, appearing unconcerned, as he watched them advance. "Well, I guess I could use the practice, so it's better than nothing."

Bella tipped her head back and laughed. "You think you can deal with all of them at the same time? Foolish boy." Then she grew serious and looked at the five warriors. "You five! Don't waste time. Deal with him quickly and efficiently. Let's show him that the Demon sect deserves its reputation for being powerful."

The five warriors nodded, and then they sprang into action. Their hands moved so quickly that their movements were a blur.

Alex could tell they were each holding something, but he couldn't see what it was. Suddenly, the five warriors reached out, sending objects whizzing through the air at him.

Alex paid little attention to the projectiles, but he moved slightly—just enough to stay out of their path. As they flew past him, they caught on fire with a bang, releasing a black smoke with a pungent smell.

When the wind changed direction, Alex caught a whiff of the smoke, and he immediately covered his nose with his hand.

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