
Chapter 2 - A New Beginning

14. February 1980

England, Lestrange Manor

[Third POV]

Through the whole Lestrange Manor you could hear the painful screams of a woman coming from one of the bedrooms.

Inside the Bedroom were three people. A beautiful tall and blond woman with a bulge at her Belly, looking like she was in her twenties, her name was Narzissa Malfoy. Beside her was a doctor and a house elf currently helping the woman on the bed through her labour.

On the bed you could see a woman with long black hair and dark eyes currently giving birth to a child. Despite the painful screams as well as the pain on her face you could still see her beauty. The woman was none other than Bellatrix Lestrange, one of the most loyal followers of the Dark Lord.

Everybody in the room had a quite tense look while you could hear the repeating screams of Bellatrix.

"Come on Madam Lestrange, it is nearly over" Said the doctor with sweat on his forehead and a desperate face as if his life was on the line.

"SHUT UP!" You could hear Bellatrix scream in pain from the bed "If you don't get this over with I will ..UGH.. destroy your whole family, you dirty lowlife"

The doctor began to sweat even more, shut his mouth and prayed desperately that the child would be born soon. Beside him you could see the house elf shivering in fear from the screaming Bellatrix because he knew what she would do if he couldn't satisfy her. Meanwhile Narzissa stood a few metres away from the bed and watched everything in silence, still a bit panicked. There were many reasons, the fear she gets from Bellatrix, the tense situation from the labour or the fact that in a few months she had to go through the same thing.

After a few more minutes of screams you could finally hear the screams of a baby.

"Congratulations Madam it is a boy" Said the doctor while inwards still panicking for his life.

"Congratulations sister you got a healthy boy and heir for your family" Said Narzissa as she came forward and took the boy out of the doctors hands before he could ask if Bellatrix wanted to hold the baby, because she didn't want a corpse to dirty the floor.

"Hah..Hah…it's finally over. Go out, I want to rest and take that thing with you" Bellatrix said in an angry but weak tone, because she was exhausted from labour, while pointing at the baby.

After she said that all people left the room, while the house elf took care of Bellatrix still shivering in fear. Meanwhile the husband of Bellatrix, Rodolphus Lestrange, was nowhere to be seen. And it was expected that except the notification that was sent out he wouldn't care or come back, because all that mattered to him was that he had an heir.


Well to get this straight. A moment ago I was dead, felt nothing and couldn't move. I talked with a strange figure and got the chance to reincarnate. And before I could say anything it got dark. And now I am in the body of a new born baby. Reflecting on the situation it was indeed strange and some people would be panicked or confused. I guess that would be the situation if I were normal, but the only thing I could feel right now is my blood boiling and adrenaline rushing through my veins from the pure excitement. And the only thing that ran through my mind from that feeling was that I fucking loved it.

After a few more minutes, after I calmed myself down, I started focusing on my situation again. I could feel my senses back. I could feel my surroundings, I could hear, smell and see again. And that confirmed that I was indeed back alife. But that didn't excite me as much as the previous emotions I felt, but well that was to be expected.

I started to assess my situation, despite my tiny range of motion I could see a room, beautifully and nobel decorated while I seemed to be lying in a baby bed. From the looks of the room I could guess that I was indeed reborn into a noble family with a lot of money. But that was all I could tell. I still had a lot of questions, because I didn't know my name, the name of my family or anything else despite the contents of the book.

While thinking about all this I realised that my eyes became heavy and my eyelids begane to close. Well I guess that was to be expected because despite my mature mind I was after all still a newborn and my body had too little energy. So I decided to close my eyes again and started to fall asleep.

[Bellatrix POV]

I felt a wave of different emotions, some I couldn't even identify. During my pregnancy I felt extreme anger towards that thing in my belly and that bastard of a husband I have. A few times a day I imagined how I would fire a 'Cruciatus' at both of them and torture them slowly to death. I mean we were married for such a long time and the only time we did it was on our wedding night when this bastard forced himself onto me, while I drank enough that I could barely remember anything. But nine months ago that Bastard came back again and demanded an heir saying it was an order from the Dark Lord so that our house could serve him in future generations. While I loved the Dark Lord more than anything, I knew I was too insignificant for him, so the only thing I could do for him is to follow his orders and bear that weakling of a husband I have a child. So after a night with this weakling in which I could barley control the urge to torture him to death and a few days of wait I was lucky and got pregnant. Lucky because it was the last time I had to sleep with this Bastard and lucky for him I didnt kill him.

The nine months flew by quick and it was finally the time I would get that thing out of my body. During birth I felt like I would be ripped from my insides out and I had to control my urge to kill the damn bastards around my bed. After I gave birth and everyone left while that stupid elf did his duties, I could finally calm down while resting. As I calmed down I felt a wave of different emotions beside the extreme anger I felt the whole time. And I needed a bit before I figured out what it was. It was the same feeling I felt when I had to part with the Dark Lord again. A sense of loss. But why? I myself couldn't explain it so after thinking for a while I came to the conclusion that it must have something to do with that thing I gave birth to a few minutes ago. So before the exhaustion hit me completely and I would fall asleep I swear that I would go and see that thing when I wake up again, to see what he did to me, so the emotions I felt would go away.


Hey guys, its me again, the author.

First I want to say thanks for reading my fan fiction and for the nice and polite comments I got.

But to the topic I wanted to talk about a bit. When I started writing this I honestly thought that this fan fiction would be quite fast paced but after I wrote this second chapter I realised that I start to love the idea of the story too much.

That is why I wanted to ask you guys about this chapter. I personally found it very interesting to write this chapter and got kinda lost and forgot how long it became (don't know if it's long but it's still 1200 words; I wanted each chapter to be 1000-1500 words). But again, back to the topic. I wanted to write the main characters' whole childhood in one or two chapters maximum and start with the typical "Hogwarts Letter / Diagon Alley" Plot after chapter 5 or 6. But as I said I realised the story is probably longer and slower paced than I thought so I want to ask you guys what you think.

1.Should I write the ongoing story kinda slow like in this chapter with more feelings, character depth and different perspectives.


2.Should I write the next chapters at a fast speed, with only the main character's perspective or third perspective and with a lot of timeskips.

In the end I have no problem with both writing styles, despite the feeling that the slow paced option would probably be better for the story and idea in general, but well that is my opinion again.

That is why I hope you could command and tell me if you find Option one or two better because I honestly don't know anymore. As I said nothing changes because I have only the general idea for next chapters but nothing written down.

Anyways I got kinda lost again with this long explanation therefore sorry but I thought it would be kinda important, so both you guys and I can enjoy the story (If you do, hope so).

Again thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it and see you next time.


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