
Chapter 9: Overrated

“What do you mean you’re going back to Deadwood tonight?” Liz asked, staring at me as if I was out of my mind. “What about the party?”

“The party? What about it? I barely know anyone around here.” I plopped down on my bed and stared back at her as if she were crazy.

“I get that you’re not the type to make friends, and you claim to enjoy being alone, but I, for one, think that is a load of crap, okay?”

Her bluntness had me taken aback. Liz usually wasn’t so forthright. As a matter of fact, that was much more like me to be that way than for her to be that way. I gained another ounce of respect for her at that moment.

“Nobody enjoys being lonely. Just come out with me. You’re here in college. College is supposed to be the time of our lives. Tell me, how are you going to enjoy college if you’re not experiencing it? You have to step out of your bubble or comfort zone or whatever.”

“I am experiencing college. I haven’t missed a single class.”

Liz rolled her eyes and sighed. “I meant the other parts. You’re supposed to get out and have fun.”

“College parties are overrated.”

“What you really mean is having friends is overrated. Have you always been this antisocial? I mean, how can you know for sure that you don’t like socializing if you have never tried it?” She crossed her arms over her chest and mashed her lips in a straight line. Clearly, she thought I had no argument, and to her dismay, she was dead wrong.

“I have tried. I don’t care for other people easily, and the one time I tried putting myself out there, I got hurt. Having friends and boyfriends comes with drama.”

“So is it about drama, or is it me? If you don’t like me, just say the word, and I will leave you alone,” she said. Her eyes and mouth sagged with sadness. It was obvious at that point to me that she genuinely liked me, and I realized all Liz tried to do was be my friend, and I’ve been nothing but a b*tch to her from day one. Something in her eyes softened me.

I groaned. “Awe, sh*t. Liz, I do like you. You’re genuine and funny but not annoying, like a lot of girls like you are. The two girls back in Salem that considered me to be a friend were really pushy, nosy, and kind of annoying. They were also into drama. I just could never say how I felt around them. I couldn’t be myself with them because I knew they would stir things up. I don’t feel that way about you. I know what I tell you is safe.”

She smiled and nodded. “Yes, of course.”

“I think we might actually become friends. The first day I met you, I didn’t think that, but this week has been really weird for me, and you have helped me a lot.”

“So?” Her eyes brightened, and her smile grew wide as she straightened up with excitement. She looked as if she would explode if I didn’t give her an answer soon.

“Ugh. Yes. Okay. I will go with you.”

“Really?” She squealed as she jumped to her feet.

I threw my head back and laughed. “Really.” I stood up and let her give me a rib-crushing hug.

“Oh my god. This is going to be awesome. You have to help me pick my outfit,” she said. She gasped as a sudden realization hit her, and she grabbed my arms. “I have to help you pick an outfit. We can do each other’s hair!”

“Okay,” I said and laughed. “You need to relax. First of all, I’m not dolling up for this party.”

She groaned. “Okay, but help me with my outfit, please?”

“Sure. Let’s see what you got.”

She started for the closet.

“So, what about Zayn? Is he going to this party?”

“He says he feels better. I can’t believe he’s already getting around so well. I guess he has a bit of a limp, but he didn’t break any bones. They said he was super lucky.”

Liz modeled several outfits for me before we finally agreed on a dark blue crop top and a pair of Miss Me jeans. It took some convincing, but I told her she looked amazing, leaving her hair in its natural curl because she was talking about straightening it.

Once Liz was done, it was my turn. I insisted on picking my own outfit. I had a long-sleeved, unbuttoned, red and black plaid shirt with a black crop top underneath. I had on ripped black skinny jeans and black boots. My eyeliner was heavier than usual.

When I came out of the bathroom, I expected only to be seen by my roommate. However, Zayn and Silas were in the room. I almost turned around and went back into the bathroom, but Silas saw me before I could.

Our eyes locked, and his lips parted.

Liz finally saw me breaking the awkward stare between Silas and me. “Oh my god. You look hot. I love it.”

I wasn’t the type to blush easily, but after the stare-down with Silas and Liz’s outburst, my cheeks were flaming hot.

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