

The sensation of transitioning between the physical world and whatever place the Library was at was still slightly disorienting to him. Even with all the powers he gained and the training he underwent.

Thankfully he was now quite used to it. And he was getting more and more used to the feeling with each visit to the Nexus of the worlds.

But even then…

"No matter how I look at it, this place always astounds me."

He was only in the so-called Bronze section of this place. The lowest possible place of access. Just imagining how big the other sections of the Library could be made him feel how small and insignificant he truly was.

He looked at his surroundings, once his dizziness settled away, before slowly realizing something.

"Huh…? Akasha?"

There was no one next to him this time around.

'Where could she be?'

Next chapter