
Chapter 552: Turn and Advance Like the Wind

Murphy was convinced he was right.

If Larry and Thompson had accepted his advice from the beginning and blown up both the Pyro-thief and the oil tanks, the Pyro-thief would have died. Although at least one oil tank would have been lost, the refinery could have been saved.

But now, the Pyro-thief had destroyed one oil tank, and although the second one hadn't been destroyed yet, if the fire wasn't extinguished, the second oil tank would explode eventually, regardless of the Pyro-thief's actions.

Thompson could no longer remain calm. He picked up the headset from the ground and bellowed, "Take him out! Take him out!"

The A-10 opened fire again, its autocannon aimed at the Pyro-thief, but everyone could only watch as he once again dodged the gunfire with swift and elusive maneuvers.

Murphy knew it was over, he was done for.

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