
099 Achievement Unlocked! (6)

"What about hip hop?"

I was about to answer, as it was something more of my liking, but the woman groaned loudly, coming before us.

"Enough about stuff that doesn't matter," she said. "Tell me more about your experience in this world so far." She specifically asked me. "Don't leave any details."

So I began expressing my traumatising experiences. All three of them listened with seriousness, but the man burst into laughter when I got to the ball-crushing ritual.

"Man, you probably landed the most awful summoning," he said. "But you probably deserved it for your taste."

"Only nine years old,old, listen to Imagine Dragons," I told him, "and think it's the finest since music was ever created."

"You take that back." The man came at me, glowering.

"Sod off."

The argument was about to take form, as the bloke seemed to like his stuff zealously. But the woman wasn't having any of it, though. She pushed the man, who was easily twice her size, out of the way, and told me. "Continue."

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