
082 Settling In (1)


The two women stared at him, probably wondering why Gale stopped right at the climax of his escape. Well, he had been at it for over an hour now and the story had progressed from the underground facility to the mines, where he had to work as a slave.

The story was just getting exciting with him finally managing to cycle Qi, when he stopped, getting something through the link between him and Vale.

"It seems something's going on in Stormhold," Gale muttered, knitting his brows.

"Master. . ." Xiaolin's voice trailed off. "You want to rush there quickly?"

"Nah, it's alright," Gale replied. Even if he wanted to rush there using Stormsong, he couldn't just leave these two women on their own. Not long ago, he had been attacked by bandits on this path. "Vale had taken care of it already."

Besides, it wouldn't be long before they reach Stormhold.

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