
048 Shadow of the Past (3)

In the end, Gale couldn't make the deal work, this time around. Well, Shi Fan agreed, which was good, just that he would have to wait a little longer as all of Shi Fan's treasures were with his ghost friend.

Shi Fan must trust that Ghost a great deal to leave everything with her.

After reminding Shi Fan that he would find him again and be ready for the exchange, Gale departed.

There were still a couple of hours for the sun to go down, so they wouldn't have to haste. Vale seemed to be quite familiar with the wilderness, though he refrained from running wild after the day he got lost.

As the two of them moved leisurely at their own pace, the dog halted abruptly, woofing at nothing. Gale blinked and scanned the surroundings carefully when a gothic figure materialised in one branch thirty yards away. That's almost double the distance Gale traversed in one sweep to attack her the other day.

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