
First Squire Assignment '3'

The former excited Esau for being in the Ginzo Transport jumped out and met the rest. "Did any of you know how to get there?"

"Where?" Noah asked.

"Rhombus city, dummy." He snapped at Noah before he continued, "They said it was our job to know!"

Vance Wymond turned and ran back as he left behind two words. "Wait here!"

[Haha. The woman is right? Knight are superhuman and they were expected to know a lot of things, especially on the task they were asked to do]

"Cursed and insult came out of the Ginzo Cart, complaining about the incompetency of Esau and his group. But they ignore that, in fact they begin to feel ashamed of themselves.

30 minutes later, they were harassed and almost beaten by mercenaries but they held on.

Vance came back with an old book and opened it. The book was City Of Squire Atlas and they immediately pinpoint their path from Oak Wood Town to Rhumbus City.

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