
Chapter 7: Inters

" Yes, there was a manual that taught me how to drive one. " I say with the least movement and effort necessary. That nearly caught me off guard but I still managed to make it seamless.

" I see " She replies without any change of expression.

Shit… that nearly got me. Thank god I was an actor, or else I wouldn't have been able to get out of there without flinching or sweating. I also thought this type of question would pop up in the interview. It still caught me as the question was too heavy. You also wouldn't say I'm lying as there was a manual inside the crane I used. And I also learned how to drive one from a manual just not the one inside the crane, so it was still relatively safe.

The interview went on for a little longer and I reply with truths as they didn't ask anything about what had happened before my arrival in Terran. They seem to have realized that all Wanderers don't remember what happened anyways. It was a time saver for them, but it was also a lifesaver. At least for me…

" Hmm… They are all truths. " Ms. Ging mutters as she looks at all of the notes she wrote down.

" Oh yeah, Madam Ging's ability was to detect some changes in your pulse heartbeat, and some other weird stuff. So she'd be able to figure out if you were lying from that. More so if you're a Wanderer who is pretty easy to read… No offense. " Fiona explains Ms. Ging's sentence like she was her assistant. Well, this team had run into its fair share of Wanderers so It wouldn't be surprising if it's almost part of their routine already.

I mean the fact that I was considered a Wanderer might've also helped me escape Ms. Ging's ability by underestimating me. Because when she was introduced in the story, she was using 100 different signals to figure out if one was lying or not.

" Well, it seems like you are pretty ready to go join society… " She says while still looking at her notes.

" You passed the Mental stability, Adaptability, and Calmness test, so you should be able to go out without staying in a healthcare unit for a while or two. " She smiles at me with a bright expression.

" Congratulations, Mr. Mon… Though if you would still want to receive help for wanderers, we would still accept you. " I guess they still do feel guilty about leaving a Wanderer be regardless of their mental status.

Do I get some type of reward now? Or some incentives at least?

You'd normally don't get much anyways as they do give you some help which is helping you adapt to this world, but that was something I clearly don't need.

" I'm not sure if one should be happy in my position, but thanks I guess. " I say casually all while hinting that I need some reward for my hard work. I did kill a massive lizard which the team was trying to hunt anyways.

Ms. Ging seems to have realized my intentions as she starts giggling. " Don't worry Mr. Mon, We'd love to give you something in exchange for your help."

" Since you've accomplished something great. The GRC had decided to reward you 25% of the commission for hunting the Lizardman " Ms. Ging flips to a note on her pad as she points at the rewards that I would receive.

Left with a casual smile, I look at the rewards that I would be granted, and it was honestly quite amazing. I had expected less than the 25% cut actually as they did help out and the gangsters I heard from yesterday were actually them. They were clearly chasing the lizard man and weakened it in the process of doing so. If you also add the fact that it was starving, It was already a lot more than I originally thought.

But I guess no normal wanderer or citizen even would be able to hunt an Inter that easily.

" Isn't this quite a lot? " I say as I try to be humble. Being greedy at the start leads to certain doom.

Ms. Ging smiles at my question.

" You're very unique Mr. Mon. " She says with a calm face.

"I've seen a fair share of Wanderer's as I work with the GRC. But there's only one who managed to kill a monster while being under such immense mental torture. "

" If you add the fact that that man was only a young kid. But that exact kid managed to kill a Grand Lizard Prince… "

Ms. Ging hands me a manual to probably give me an idea of what a Grand Prince actually is.

But that was of no use to me as I know full well how incredibly close I was to death.



That was a Lizard Prince?

Well, fuck. I'm insanely luckier than I originally thought...

Shit... I couldn't help but read the manual Ms. Ging gave me to actually prove if what I knew about Grand Inters is actually true... Were they weaker than I had thought?



Inters have a special grading system made by the GRC to figure out the threat of a specific Inter.

Warrior-class Inters are the first grade and are typically defeated even by an adult. They are vulnerable to experience adults. Low levels of threat, may cause injury to an adult and possible death to the defenseless.

Elite-class Inters come after the Warrior class. They are monsters that need the attention of a proper Guardian or a Guardian cadet. They are capable of killing an entire squad of normal adults. Medium Threat level

And stronger than those are the Grand-class Inters. Monsters who are capable of wiping an entire town and need the attention of experienced B-class Guardians. Immediate Threat Level

Further into the ranks are the fearsome Nobles. Named Monsters that need immediate attention. A second is enough for these beasts to kill multiple towns in the blink of an eye. Fully capable of destroying a whole city if left behind. Requires multiple A-class Guardians or an S-class Guardian. High Threat Level

Last are Inters that threatens the existence of humanity itself. Needs IMMEDIATE attention. Requires multiple S-class Guardians to exterminate one. Extinction threat level,


Shit, I shouldn't have read that. As much as I would like to try and face what's in front of me, I was still just a normal person going to work and school before I was put into a life-and-death situation. This is no novel or manga, this is reality…

Haaaa… I'm sure I'll be fine. I'm crazy enough to feel excited. So once the face of death escapes my mind, I know it'll be one hell of a journey.

But if I want to enjoy this world to the fullest, I'll need some more strength if I don't want to touch the edge of death again.

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