

Yu Weimin blinked and came back to the present, thinking hard about something.

Ah, it couldn't be Qi Jingguo talking about this scene in the prologue, was he? If he was, it made sense.

Actually, Yu Weimin did manage to survive, but in his eyes, the new marshal's image had already turned upside down. Even though the man was handsome as heck and even though his heart thumped like crazy in his chest, he hated the man for leaving him hanging on his breath. He directly ignored the thumping of his heart, thinking it was merely the adrenaline rush.

Only a few decades later did he realize his feelings for the hateful enemy of his, but it was already too late. A small act of compassion from the man could have saved them decades of hatred.

Yu Weimin scoffed softly at the thought. But he knew the marshal was also suffering. His heart must also have been thumping in his chest.


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