
Hearing the truth

The woman frowned and followed hurriedly behind Ragus. She could not understand why the archmage was worried and why he was saying that Ezio might escape, it was all a jumble to her.

Aviel followed behind the man, "Why do the elders give too much importance to Ezio? Is it because of his ability?" She asked while they walked the hallways of the palace to search for the missing teen.

"Maybe yes but I am not entirely sure. What I'm sure of, is that if we don't find him, both of us will be doomed." Argus snapped back before he sighed again to calm himself. The woman really has no idea how important Ezio was to the tower.

The other archmage frowned when she heard Argus. To give such importance to a person who wasn't a mage yet and letting him join the royal ball, she was surprised at first but got used to it. Now that they were talking about it again, something suddenly made sense to her.

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