After hearing what she decided to call him, Akaz didn't know what to say all he did was get up, grabbed her by her arm and pulled her close to him and her eyes widened as he hugged her and Drakun left staring at him, not knowing what to say.
"Thank you," Akaz said before raising off of her and she smiled.
"You are welcome, I am tired, I will head to bed now, good night guys," She replied.
"Good night," They said then she left and went to her room and Akaz looked back at Drakun then smiled.
"I was not expecting that," Drakun said.
"Neither was I, good night, Drakun," Akaz replied.
"Good night, master," He said before they went to their rooms to call it a night as well.
Raena threw herself on her bed after locking her door and she closed her eyes, thinking about when Akaz hugged her, knowing his hug felt like that which would come from a loved one and she exhaled deeply before falling asleep.
When Raena awoke the next morning, she stretched before getting out of bed and cleaning up her room, after which she went straight to the bathroom and began her normal morning routine while Drakun finished cooking and placed their breakfast on the table.
When Raena finished, she got dressed, grabbed her bag then went down to the living room where she sighed.
"Good morning guys," She said and they looked at her with smiling faces.
"Good morning,""They replied.
"Come on, Raena's eat. then you can leave, I will drop by the academy at lunch time or before, but I will be there, I promise," Akaz said as they went to the dining hall and Raena smiled before sitting down.
"Then I'll wait for you," She replied, and he smiled as she took her food and began eating because she, too, was hungry.
While eating, Raena felt a shock passing through her body and her eyes began glowing green as she held onto the table and Akaz glanced at her with his eyes narrowing.
"Are you okay?" He asked as she took a deep breath before exhaling deeply and looking at him.
"Yeah, I am fine, just felt a little, tingling, I guess," She responded.
"Hmm, eat as much as you want, you won't be late," He said and she smiled then continued eating her food.
A while after Raena finished eating, she got up, then grabbed her bag and Drakun glanced at Akaz who got up and looked at Raena as she smiled at him.
"It's going to get late, we better get going," She said and Akaz sighed.
"Wait," He said and they looked at him.
"What's wrong?" Drakun asked.
"You can stay Drakun or come, you choose, but I am going at once, I heard they are ranking them today as well," He responded and Drakun smiled.
"It's okay, you two go alone, I will stay back to take care of a few things," Drakun said and Akaz smiled then patted him on the shoulder.
"Are you sure?" Raena asked and Drakun glanced at her then patted her on the back.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure about this, also there is another thing I almost forgot about, I wish you the best of luck with whatever you guys are given to test your rankings," He responded and she smiled at him.
"Thank you," She said and he smiled.
"Now, get going or you'll be late, which you don't want, right about now," He replied, and Raena chuckled before Akaz placed his hand on her shoulder then they disappeared and reappeared by the woods just before the entrance of the academy.
"Well, we're here, come on," He said as he walked away, and Raena followed him. As he entered the school, the students wished him a good morning, and no one noticed Raena came with him because she was walking apart from him, and he saw but didn't say anything.
Kyla rushed to Raena as she walked down the corridor toward the staff room, wrapping her arm around her neck and Raena glanced at her before smiling.
"Good morning," Kyla said before Astrun approached them and tapped Raena on the shoulder as she walked, and Raena looked at him then smiled.
"Good morning to you both," She said.
"Good morning," He replied.
"Good morning, sir," They said and Akaz smiled at them when someone bumped into Raena and she saw it was the same bully and Raena sighed as the girl was to push her back with her hand glowing blue and Akaz looked back at the same time and saw.
He grabbed Raena by her arm and pulled her beside him where he placed his hand on her shoulder and his eyes narrowed while he stared at her as the students left staring as well as a few teachers that were passing by.
"S- Sir," The girl mumbled.
"So this is the bully, Raena?" He asked and she lowered her head and he smirked.
"Y- You know her?" The girl asked.
"Yes of course I do, don't I, Raena?" He asked and she looked at the girl before placing her hand on to of Akaz's.
"Yes, he is my father," She responded and everyone that was nearby heard and gasped while the girl's hand began trembling.
"F- Father?" Kyla and Astrun asked while staring and she smiled at them.
"Think of this as a warning, I know you've been causing a lot of trouble for other students, do that again and I'll degrade your rank, I will not tolerate such acts, come kids," Akaz said as he walked away with Raena and Astrun, and Kyla quietly followed them.
"This is going to catch on," Akaz looked at her before chuckling and patting her on the back, and she looked at him.
"Is that all right?" He inquired, and she smiled.
"Yeah, it's fine, after all, you're my guardian, I don't mind," She replied, and he smiled in relief.
"I'm glad you don't; caring about what other people say can corrupt your mind and cause you to feel differently sometimes; you are different," He said and she chuckled as they arrived at the staff room.