
Broken down

"R- Raena, is this our classroom?" Kyla asked and Raena sighed.

"Seems like it, this is just a broken down building, and way, behind the academy too," Raena responded.

The structure was in poor physical condition, the wind was cold, and it emitted a stench that made Raena sigh and look at Kyla, knowing they had no choice but to accept it.

Raena walked away, and Kyla followed her into the building. They saw a stair, then followed it down, and after a bit of walking they arrived at a door and opened it only to see that it was their classroom, and despite it looking like a classroom in a zombie movie, the students that were currently in the classroom seemed okay with it.

"Hello," A guy said as they entered and Kyla smiled.

"Hello," She replied and Raena bowed her head with a smile as they stared at her.

'They are staring,' Raena thought.

"You have fantastic hair," With a smile, a tall girl with blue eyes, fair skin, and long blonde hair topped with a pair of long horns said.

"My hair?" Raena asked and the girl nodded.

"Thank you, I am Raena, nice to meet you all," She responded.

"Nice to meet you as well," They replied.

"I am Liana, take your seat before our teacher comes," The blonde girl said when Raena's eyes landed on Astrun and he glanced at her.

"There are only two more seats available Raena, I want to sit with you, but I can't, and I don't want to sit next to Astrun, he is scary, but cute," Kyla said, and Raena sighed before placing Kyla beside Liana and she went to Astrun's desk and he glanced at her as she placed her bag down then sat beside him, and Kyla chuckled.

"Now, that's quite a view," She said with a grin and Raena glanced at her.

"Hello," Astrun said.

"Hello," Raena replied as she did neck rolls, and he narrowed his eyes as he noticed her hair shimmering slightly, then sighed as the class door flung open and they jumped.

"Be quiet," The person who entered yelled, and Raena left staring as she realized it was the teacher who had done their Affinity test, and she sighed.

"He is scary as well," She mumbled and his eyes narrowed as he looked directly at her and she looked right back at him with her eyes narrowing.

"Sheesh, I had to end up with the troublesome classroom, you are a bunch of headaches, I will be your homeroom teacher from now on, I will be taking the attendance, please answer when your name is called," He said and they nodded as he began calling out their names and Raena waited patiently for her to be called.

"Raena," He called out.

"Present," She said and he sighed.

"All right, since you were the last person on the sheet Raena, I'm going to brief you guys on a few things that are important; so please pay close attention, I have no intention..." He replied as he noticed two of the students were talking instead of listening, his right brow twitched in irritation then he scoffed and his eyes began to glow purple as the air in the room became heavy, and Ranea sighed.

"Hey.." He said, and the students who were talking began to tremble as they turned towards him and jumped when they saw how he was looking at them, and Raena wanted to laugh but held back.

"S- Sir," One of the boys said, and the teachers smirked as they lowered their heads.

"Are you going to listen to what I have to say now or not?" He asked.

"Y- Yes sir," They responded and he sighed before returning to his normal self.

"Good, the next time I should see your lips moving is to ask questions and answer them if need be, I won't repeat myself again, am I clear on this?" He asked.

"Yes," They responded and he exhaled deeply.

"Now, in order to get started, you know you have to be ranked, right?" He inquired, and they nodded.

"Those who have never been ranked before, please stand up." He said as Astrun and Raena stood up and smirked.

"This term is going to be a pain, Astrun sit back down I know about you already, Raena, I have a question for you," He said as Astrun sat down and the other students turned to her.

"I am listening, sir," She replied.

"Good, I don't know anything about you; I looked through your information and found very little about you; have you ever attended any magical schools?" She lowered her head when he asked.

"No," She answered.

"Were you home-schooled?" He asked.

"I suppose you can say that," She responded.

"I see, well, we need to know a bit more about you, can you have someone from home come to visit me?" He asked.

"Certainly," She responded.

"That's all the questions that I have, for now, you can sit back down, we have a lot to discuss and I shall if you listen otherwise, you can find out on your own what's necessary and what's not," He said, and the others smiled nervously as she sat down, wondering if anyone would be available to come and visit her teacher since she knew both Drakun and Akaz were usually busy.

"Now let's actually get started, because your class is different and you guys get in a lot of trouble, as usual, things are different for all of you, and you guys are all low-ranked in here, the first step is to raise your rank, which I will be guiding you guys through along with a few other teachers because there are different types of things you have to do."

"Since you are all a bunch of idiotic troublemakers, you have options for classes. You can follow the natural order or choose among other classes you think can help you. If you really want to climb the ranks and make something of yourselves, I suggest you choose them based on your abilities, of course, it's your choice, got it?" They jumped when he asked in a stern manner.

"Yes, sir," They responded while nodding their heads and Raena smiled as the teacher chuckled.

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