Amidst the complexity of reality, after death, he, who do not even remember his own name and have only general knowledge about some general subjects of earth human knowlege, shall become a universe creator. Indeed, a lucky opportunity to set free his wings of imagination, enjoy his deep desire for creation, and see a new reality unearth under his initiative to pursue not perfection, but the infinity of the word "could". This image is not mine, here is the link:
I died... it seems. But why am I so calm? Don't know or maybe I do... I know that I died, but nothing more. Why is that?
[It's part of the afterlife management process.]- Answer a metallic voice.
That makes sense. I suppose...
[But who are you? Or better what are you?]-I asked the voice in my mind, that, in some strange way, it reminds me a lot of Alexa or whatever artificial intelligence that comes to mind.
[I am □●○□♧¡ or in a way understandable for your mortal mind The Artificial Intelligence. If you want, you may call me system, as in some of the webnovels from your world. And well, I am the primordial artificial intelligence. ]- said the voice.
That, in some way, is strange. Because primordial is a term that appears a lot in fictional stories and refers more to mythological or legendary figures than a type of technology. However, it also makes sense, because primordials, also mean the first.
[But what am I doing here? It's not how I imagined the afterlife to be. This absolute emptiness.]-I said.
[You are in the emergency afterlife. Your universe afterlife is under reform and the excess orders are being temporarily managed by me.]
[So am I going to heaven, hell, or reincarnation?]- I asked that cliche question very common in the reincarnation novels I suppose I read.
[Heaven or if you prefer there is a job opportunity recently available.]-Said the voice.
[A job opportunity?]-I asked.
[The multiverse is now contracting Universe Creators / Administrators.]
[If it is a job does it have a salary?] I asked with curiosity.
[ The job does not have fixed times payments. You are paid with Multiverse Coins(MC) for each activity completed. You can use these coins to invest more in your universe crafting, by buying items of multiversal or universal level from the Multiverse Shop(MS)] While the AI talks the symbols of the multiverse coins and multiverse shop appeared to me.
The first seems like an acronym symbol MC, with ever-changing letter types and colors.
Strangely enough, the letters seem to gain and lost some extradimensional formats, being like letters printed in four, five, six, seven, and much more dimensions.
The multiverse shop acronym symbol was similar, but with also an item that seems to represent a shop of several types every changing.
I doubt that all the multiverse talks in English. So, I guess that in some way these symbols had taken a form somewhat familiar to me and introduced new forms, that would originally be uncomprehensible and illogical, but somehow became real to my perception.
There were even new types of colors that were in some form real but for sure not a part of the visible light spectrum, like colors before red and beyond violet. It was enlightening in its own way.
The craziest thing of it all was seeing so much without eyes. That, from a human perspective, seems so unlogical.
[After passing some thresholds you may also be able to sell some items of your universe.]
[What are the job's requirements?]-I asked.
[You just need to not have a very terrible soul, like pure evil. And have a creative mind. As you can guess, even previous mortals can take the job. The multiverse is prepared to offer a guide of Universe creation for the dumbest of fools, a lot of functions can be automated, and we also offer a financial support for beginners and basic items to creation.]
[Although I am interested in listening for more details, I think that's an opportunity that cannot be lost. So, I would like to sign up for the job.]
[Future host signed for the job. Soul signature printed in the multiverse maker interface. Transporting host Transporting user to the place where the user's universe is assigned too.] The voice said and then silence.