
A Plan for a New Age Part 5

"If I knew of all of them I most certainly would share them with you." The elder explained. "For now why don't you just stay clear of any of our ancient ruins and temples. The only one in this city is Sebastian, so he is the only one you need to concern yourself with.

Now that that matter is settled, would you three like to learn of the agreement that we have reached?"

"It's probably important, so you should tell us." Dax said.

"Probably important," he says." The governor replied. "Yes, it is very important. It marks the first agreement between our great peoples since the war before even our grandfather's grandfather was born. It will mark a new age of peace and cooperation and set us apart on the global stage.

Our small country will become more influential and powerful as it should be! We are the ancient home of the Magi King! Our country is where the forces of evil met their match and humans became the dominant power."


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