

After he left, the area remained in silence, as the main character of the day was now Adonis. Without Lanzelet, he was now the sole focus of everyone else. "Everything said here today, also applies to you too, your highness." Damien broke the silence abruptly.

"Huh..?" And Adonis looked up at him in shock. 'Me..? What did I do?'

"You're reckless." Damien responded.

"You aren't true to yourself." Sixth added.

"You rely too much on your emotions and feelings to judge your situations." Juliette also added.

"...You're breaking the hierarchy." Even Fiona had something to say.

"Mi–Miss Fiona? You, you too?" And Adonis felt betrayed by that. Her joining the others into reprimanding him was kind of... unexpected. 'Her words suddenly hurt more than the others.' He thought.

But he understood what they meant. His actions today, were not the best thought out there. He sighed, and humbly lowered his head, "Thank you. Today I might–"

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