
Get lost

Yin Zhu turned her head at the familiar voice and was relieved when she saw Eldest young master Xun with his aide standing on his side. The two of them seemed to have just arrived as the crowd that was standing around thickly covering the space completely was now thinning as the man with his hair slightly pushed back, leaving a few black bangs to fall over his forehead and eyes as shimmering as burning amber walked forward towards Lord Cui who was now looking a bit sluggish. 

Lord Cui's eyes met with Eldest young master Xun's and he finally took a few steps away from her father and her, who in turn dragged her away as far as he could, if it wasn't for the fact that Eldest young master Xun glanced at him with a gaze that asked him to stop, he would have dragged his foolish daughter away and gave her the scolding of her life. 

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