
Chapter 2 Warning After Warning.

Looks around in his room and noticed a note from his father that's hanging off from the wall. The note had said to be a message saying that he'll be late again.

Dabi: That never change but it can't be helped.

Getting up from the bed and begins to stretch as he heads towards to the kitchen. Opening up the fridge and saw a note falling down once he opened the door.

Dabi: A note?

Picks it up and reads it. The note had said something about not being late to school.

(In his mind).

"Man I hate school."

Places the note on the table and looks over to the fridge to get out of milk and begins to drink it out of the carton.

"I wonder how his mornings are like?"

Looks out from the window for a moment but then looks over to the clock to see the time realizing that he going to be late.

(Out of his mind).

Dabi: Fuck I got to get going!

Runs back to his room to get ready.

(Meanwhile at Chisaki's Home in the bedroom).

Waking up slowly looking over to see the time that was on his digital clock.

Chisaki: It's already morning...

Lays down in bed looking up at the celling, remembering the boy from before especially in the park.

(Flashback in the park).

Dabi: I was wondering if you want to be friends?

(End of Flashback).

(In his mind).

"Does he truly mean that about being friends?"

Remembering the boy's face and how he smiled at him.

"I never seen such kindness before..."

Turns around slightly and curls up as he hugs on to his pillow.

"Should I see him again? Or maybe he was joking about seeing me?"

Closes his eyes slowly almost falling back asleep.

"I hope it's true."

(Out from his mind).

Hearing a knocked by the window, looking over to see the Man In White, standing by the window. Getting up immediately to open it.

Chisaki: U-Um hi...

Looks at him a bit startled maybe because of the knock.

Man In White: We need to talk about something.

Climbs through the window and stands right in front of him.

Chisaki: Y-You could've used the door...

Looks at him a bit shy yet nervous especially on his arrival. He thought that the man in white is a burglar at first since the knock as startle him.

Chisaki: A-About what?

Looks at him calmly yet wonders what brings him here early in the morning.

Man In White: I seen you talking to someone yesterday a boy with black hair. I want you to stay away from him.

Says it demandingly almost like he's giving him an order to do so.

Man In White: We don't know if he's a dangerous or not if we're not careful you'll be at risk.

Changing up his tone to be more calm.

Chisaki: ...

Staying quiet for a short moment after hearing what the Man In White has to say to say. At first he hesitated to reply to his response especially. He doesn't want to get yelled at like last time. Swallowing and then spoke up.

Chisaki: B-But he seems nice I never met anyone nice to me before... And it would be nice if I could have one friend at least...

Closing his eyes to hear the yells that would come out from his protector mouth.

Man In White: ...

Sighs slightly.

Man In White: I know you want to make friends but it's dangerous for you to show your face around people. Especially when they seen you before on the Dark Web.

Says it calmly while looking over to see Chisaki's masks that's on a blue table.

Chisaki: I-I'm sorry I promise to stay away...

Looks down slightly, feeling the sadness that overwhelmed him but couldn't show to his protector.

Man In White: Remember to do your homework that a teacher provided for you.

Heads towards to the window and climbs out. Stopping for a moment to say the final warning before heading off back to his van.

Man In White: Remember to stay away I really don't want to hurt the kid.

Walks heading towards to his van.

Chisaki: ...

Grabbing on to the window and closed it completely. Turning around and begins to lean against it as tears starts to appear.

Chisaki: I guess I'll just be alone...

(At Dabi's Home).

Running out from the house in his school uniform heading towards to the school which it wasn't really far just a few blocks away. Running right towards to school as quickly as he could. He heard his phone ringing.

Dabi: Who the fuck is calling me?

Picks up the phone and puts next to his ear. Waiting for answer but all he could hear is someone breathing.

Dabi: ...

Looking down at the phone number and noticed that it is coming from a unknown number.

(In his mind).

"Hmm I hope it's nothing bad since I picked up a unknown number call."

Hangs up the call and puts his phone away back into his pocket. Looking over to the corner of his eye to see someone standing in the dark alleyway. However he couldn't anything besides a black figure just standing there watching him.

"People these days are creepy."

Looks away from the person and walks off quickly heading towards to the school. Heartbeating thinking about the person in the dark alleyway.

"I sure hope it's nothing..."

(Out of his mind).

(In the dark alleyway).

Man In White: I hope your not going to see him again kid.

Says it calmly while holding on to his phone. Clutching it hard in his hands. The phone turns on showing Dabi's number on the screen.

(Meanwhile at Chisaki's Home in the Living Room).

Looking at the computer scrolling through the lessons that he needs to learn. His eyes widen a little realizing that there's only a few subjects that's around three or four but for some reason it's easy to do.

Chisaki: ...

(In his mind).

"This will only take five minutes..."

Smiles slightly right behind the mask and begins to type on computer.

"Maybe after this I could go to the park again and see..."

Remembering what the Man In White said to him.


Man In White: Remember to stay away. I really don't want to hurt the kid.

(End of Flashback).

"If I see him... I'll just go."

(Out of his mind).

(At the Highschool in the classroom).

Sitting in the back of the classroom looking out from the window to see someone standing at a distance.

(In his mind).

"Who the fuck is following me?"

Frowns slightly while looking at the window not paying attention to the teacher or his surroundings.

Shigaraki: Hey Dabi question do you know this answer?

Puts the piece of paper on the desk as he taps on his shoulder, trying to get his attention.

(Out from his mind).

Dabi: I guess so...

Looks away from the window to look at the question on where Shigaraki his friend was pointing at and begins to work on the problem.

Shigaraki: Class is hard today right?

Smiles at him while watching work on the problem.

Dabi: I guess so...

Looks over to see if the person is still there and saw that the person was gone.

(In his mind).

"I feel not safe but I don't know who the fuck is following me or what if it's that guy from yesterday the dude in white."

Remembering the Man In White from yesterday.


Man In White: Just stay away from him or else something bad will happen to you.

(End of Flashback).

"Is he watching me because of yesterday?"

Growls at the thought.

"Your not stopping me. Man In White."

(Out of his mind).

Shigaraki: You okay?

Looks at him confused since the growl sound that came from him kinda surprised him.

Dabi: I have to go.

Gets up and grabbed on to his backpack. Heading towards to the door. Hearing his teacher calling out for his name. Demanding him to sit back down.

Dabi: Fuck off and leave me alone.

Opening the door and leaves the room. Heading towards to the exit.

Shigaraki: What just happened?

Looks over to the piece of paper and remembers him looking out the window a lot.

(In his mind).

"Why he was looking at the window?"

(Out of his mind).

(At the hallway almost close to the exit of the school).

(In his mind).

"I don't know if Chisaki is at the park or not but if he is there then that bastard will be there too. I want to talk."

(Out of his mind).

To be continued on next chapter

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