
For the Greater Good

Rosalind remained silent, refraining from speaking further. In truth, she understood Fraunces's point and rather liked it. The contrast between her former life and her current one was quite entertaining. At the same time, she felt a deep sense of gratitude for her rebirth.

Out of the blue, Fraunces inquired, "So, when is the official wedding?"

Rosalind responded with a quizzical expression, "What do you mean?"

"As a woman, should you not care if he does not arrange a wedding?" Fraunces persisted.

Rosalind blinked, fixing her gaze on Fraunces for a few moments. She knew that Fraunces had already married, but the celebrations were missed due to their location in the Howling Mountains. Rosalind had yet to meet Fraunces's spouse.

She immediately wondered why Fraunces would suddenly bring up the wedding.

Puzzled at her gaze, Fraunces questioned, "Did I say something wrong?"

"It is nothing," Rosalind replied with a smile.

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