
Bag of Bones

"News! There is news about the Duke!"

The other members of the seven families who had been fighting since the other day, had various expressions on their faces when they heard about the news. They looked at the Knight who announced the Duke's arrival.

"Where is he?" Emperor Goosebourne got up. He has not had any rest since the war started and now, he looked nothing like the Majestic Emperor that he was a couple of days ago.

He was so thin, he looked like a bag of bones wearing a knight's armor. There were large dark bags under his eyes too.

Just like him, Martin lost some weight as he had been helping a lot with the wounded soldiers.

"He— He sent a letter—" the Knight handed a letter to the Emperor.

"How dare you say that he is here? Clearly— Clearly—" the Emperor started reading the letter.

"He will be here in a few hours."

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