
Mercenaries 11

The Lux Family are considered very powerful in this part of the continent yet, they were doing nothing to try and pacify the rumors. Those were meant as an insult.

"I wonder about these gossips too…" Of course, Federico's enemy Lachlan Blaize immediately joined in the conversation. "How could they say that the Lux Family has abandoned Miss Rosalind when she has been proven as a member of the family? Was it just because of her hair? Isn't that a little too… shallow? Does that mean that the Lux Family is this shallow?"

"Oh! His Blessedness Blaize is indeed right. The soldiers fighting in the north have heard about this news and we were perplexed by the rumors. How could they say that the Lux Family are shallow people? The Lux Family is one of the renowned seven families! Talking about them like this is unthinkable!" General Lytton added more fuel to the fire.

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