

"Are you okay?" Salma probed a few minutes after Gideon drove away from the palace.

"Yeah. Why?"

"You've been quiet, and you haven't annoyed me. That's unusual. You always carry a truckload of trouble with you." She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Are you calling me a troublemaker?" Gideon's lips stretched slightly.


"How bold. Well, maybe you've not given me reasons to annoy you, yet." Gideon said, eyes on the road. 

"That's not it. There is something bothering you. But it's fine if you don't want to talk about it." 

"The council members are bent on making Veron take a mistress. They already picked one, and she is currently in the palace." Gideon spoke after a moment of silence passed. 

There were other issues bothering him but since he couldn't bring himself to talk about them with her, he decided to tell her the one that would interest her.

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