
Did I?

Karina woke up to the back of Veron's fingers running lightly over her cheek. He seemed to have been doing it for some time, as she had been feeling the sensations for a while.

"Wake up, beautiful." She heard his voice, but she shook her head and kept her eyes closed.

"I don't want to. Not yet." She responded, wanting to just go back to sleep and remain there for the time being.

Veron knitted his brows. He had decided to wake her up before leaving the room, so he can be sure no one will see her in the condition he saw her the previous morning. 

That morning, although it was very faint, the golden glow was still visible around her, and he had not seen her eyes yet. There were maids waiting outside the door to help her get ready, but he ordered them to remain there until he says otherwise.

"You'll miss my coronation if you keep sleeping." He announced, and her eyes snapped open.

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