

"Yeah... That girl who has an identity problem in our class, I don't even know her name. I saw it with her this morning and immediately knew she stole it. So I took it from her and decided to return it. Don't worry, it's already cleaned properly before I came." Sheila explained and Skye sighed internally.

From her explanation, he already knew the jacket she was talking about, and already had a theory of the kind of scene this block-head standing before him had created.

"You went to her hostel?" Skye asked, trying to grasp as much information as he can.

"Yuck, no. How low do you think of me?" Disgust immediately registered on Sheila's face.

"How does going to the school hostel make you low?" Skye couldn't help but ask as her reaction left him dumbfounded.

"That place is meant for classless people. I don't mix with such. I'm sure you understand what I'm talking about. She brought it to class and I recognized it."

Skye nodded his head in response to her explanation, and an understanding of how she got the jacket from Karina. But one thing still doesn't make sense.

"And you concluded she stole it?"

"Of course. How else would she get her filthy hands on it?" Sheila responded with so much confidence, it would be hard for one who doesn't know what happened to not believe her.

Again, Skye rocked his head slowly a few times.

"I see." He simply uttered, then stretched his hand toward her and gestured for her to give him the bag.

"Thanks for this. I'll make sure he receives your message." Skye intoned when she handed the bag to him.

"Please do. I'll take my leave now." Sheila started walking toward her car after saying that, without waiting to receive Skye's response.

Skye finally scrunched his nose as he couldn't bear the strong and offensive smell of the perfume sprayed on the jacket anymore.

Setting his eyes on Sheila's retreating figure, he didn't know what to feel for her. He probably should feel sorry for her, since she doesn't know what or who she was dealing with, and neither does she have any idea how she was digging her grave by herself.

As soon as she drove out of the gate, he turned around and walked back into the house.

After the mating ceremony last night, and the usual trouble they face while returning to the house, he decided not to bother Veron today.

And thankfully, they had no important meeting or event to attend to. So he let Veron rest while he also took the opportunity to recover from all the injuries he sustained from the bloody fight.

Knowing Veron had blocked his mind, Skye didn't bother mind-linking him. He just went directly to his room.

"Veron?" Skye knocked on the door and waited until he was given permission to enter before he turned the door handle and pushed it open.

Skye stood by the door as soon as he entered and his eyes landed on the bed. His brows drew together seeing the bed empty.

He swept his gaze around the room and paused when he saw the balcony door opened. Shutting the main door behind him, he moved to the balcony.

"Sheila was just here." Skye started, setting his eyes on Veron's back. The latter still had his black bath robe loosely tied around his body, and didn't move even slightly despite knowing that someone was behind him.

One of his hand was behind him, while the other held a glass of... Wine? Blood? Skye wasn't sure. The liquid had a deep red color, but was thicker than normal wine.

"What does she want?" Veron's deep voice rumbled.

"She said she retrieved your jacket from the thief that stole it and came to return it."

That seemed to catch Veron's attention as he finally moved, turning around to face Skye. One of his brows was perfectly arched, and his gaze settled on Skye's face as if telling him to keep talking, and asking him 'what the f*ck' at the same time.

"From her explanation, the thief brought the jacket to class, and she recognized it, took it from her and returned it to you." Skye completed the explanation, then stretched the bag toward Veron.

When Veron frowned and scrunched his nose in disgust, Skye realized there was something he missed.

"Oh... I almost forgot. She had it washed and decontaminated to get rid of the filth the thief may have left on it."

After saying this, Skye let out an evil laugh in his head as he wondered why he was enjoying this. He didn't hate Sheila, but the sheer audacity of confidently calling someone a thief without verification disgusts him.

They have suffered and are still suffering from false accusation, so seeing it occuring again in any form and to anyone will definitely hit a nerve.

And this time, it was happening to no other than the woman who caused the death of over fifteen people just last night.

Veron's expression dimmed and his slightly narrowed eyes fell back to the bag. He stretched his hand and collected it from Skye without another word on the matter.

"Our guests... How are they?" Veron questioned as he dropped the bag on the floor beside his leg.

"Last time Michael called, they arrived the palace safely and in good condition. Zayden will be glad to recieve them back." Skye responded with a smirk, and Veron nodded.

"And you?" Veron probed, raking his eyes over Skye's body, which instantly made the latter feel uncomfortable.

"I'm good. My wounds are healed. I'll leave now, call me if you need anything." He said with a frown and hurriedly left the balcony.

A small smile tugged on Veron's lips as he watched Skye walk away. As caring as Skye was, he hated it when that care is being reciprocated, especially by a male.

It makes him feel as if he is being pitied or considered weak, and that was one feeling he vowed never to feel again.

Veron chugged down the content of the glass in his hand and turned again away from the door.

"Why are you quiet, Gerrard?" Veron asked his wolf who remained silent even after what Skye just reported.

"Leave me alone, Veron. When I'm talking, you complain. When I'm not talking, you complain. What else do you want me to do?"

"Sing." Veron answered and Gerrard's jaw dropped.

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