

After taking some slight detours within the zombie crowd, Brick had found himself near the main doors of the hotel and where there were wider open glass screens.

There were some signs of the glass being broken from the zombies crashing into them or from the day before where humans were trying to enter or exit during the chaos.

Many were too desperate to think clearly about how they would act in the next moment beyond their current actions to survive and would try to remove their obstruction preventing their route to safety.

Those outside wishing to get to safety would have smashed the window and would have let the zombies in behind them which caused zombies to gather within the hotel lower floor.

It was clear that those inside had made an attempt to lock out those that were outside but those trapped outside had allowed the zombies to enter and caused more lives to be lost.

There were traces of black blood and flesh being left behind by the zombies feet that were unprotected as they stepped onto the glass.

The revolving doors seemed to have stopped due to the lack of electricity to power them and the main doors were closed after Brick tried to push and pull at them a little so his only path was walking through the fallen glass. 'Hah.. seriously.. maybe I should just lure all of these pests to the roof and do that again. This is becoming more troublesome as I go on.'

Not every part of the ground and hear those openings had glass laying around so Brick was able to walk through without making that much noise and could avoid being cut.

His strong boots protected his feet from the glass shards but it did not mean that he could be careless so his attention was on where he was stepping at all times.

One slight cut could prove fatal if it was enough to draw blood and attract the zombies and if the flesh or blood traces were on a single shard of glass that pierced him, there was a chance of being infected.

Brick was not that observant of his surroundings or had a great attention to details in his previous life so having to be so careful with everything for the said of his own survival was very stressful and tiring.

Once he had stepped away from that area and entered the main area that had some zombies lingering around, Brick had been a little more relieved but still had to maintain his act. 'This is just a small part.. no need to get too confident in myself.'

Usually when someone felt they were successful and could finally complete the final part of their task without difficulties was usually when their demise came.

A single drop of their guard could lead to them missing something or making a mistake that could result in them dying. 'This is why being human sucks and why so many were tempted to become ghouls. I now understand fully and if it was before I came here, I would be judging them like many others for the choice they made and would be calling them evil villains.'

He reached the main desk and looked towards the detailed map of the numbered floors and hotel rooms.

He followed the signs that lead to the stairs and once he was out of sight of the zombies on the main floor, he pushed open the door and walked up the stairs.

The hotel was a standard hotel that held a large number of customers that stayed for business or holiday purposes while visiting the city so it catered to all kinds of guests.

There were luxury rooms on the upper floors that were used by richer people who could afford them while the lower floors were made up of public entertainment and dining areas.

The total of rooms was around two hundred to allow room for many guests to be catered to without sacrificing the luxury services for those that paid for it.

Some floors were separated into non smoking, smoking, club/membership floors then there would be the suite/deluxe rooms.

On the upper floors, the rooms were much bigger and there were more private entertainment and dining areas connected to them so they held less people.

On some floors there were less than five rooms while on others there were between twenty and forty.

Even if the daughter of the Reed family was wealthy enough to rent out one of the top rooms, her father would only pay for it and use his connections if he wished to make a great impression on others and would rather use it on himself.

The rooms she and others were staying in were on the membership floors on the seventh floor so Brick had to climb up many stairs.

A zombie was lying at the bottom of the stairs Brick turned towards after reaching the top and going towards the next flight of stairs.

It reached out towards him with its injured arm upon hearing his footsteps nearby but it had many broken bones from falling down. "Hrr.."

A knife pierced through its eye socket and stabbed again in the same spot before it stopped moving and Brick moved up the stairs.

Brick thought to himself as he walked up the stairs and was closing some open doors that had been pushed open by zombies to enter where the stairs were. 'G13.. G13.. G13… It is almost time to meet her. I wonder if she is as beautiful as described..'

He looked towards the sign that was floor C then sighed as he looked upward and saw some zombies gathered around on other floors.

Something was above him and was growing larger so he pushed back against the wall suddenly.

Something crashed down where he stood and there was a cracking noise which followed then fell down the gap on the staircase down towards the lower floors.

Brick grit his teeth. 'Damn! These things are so dangerous!'

He caught sight of the thing that fell and it was a zombie that had fallen over the side of the stairs and hit some obstructions on the way down.

If Brick did not move out of the way when he was looking up, he would have been hurt by the falling zombie.

A cold and murderous look appeared on his face. 'How many are left up there? Can I get by them or will I have to kill my way through? Which floor are they on exactly? Huh wait… don't tell me they are gathered at floor G!?'

There were sounds of the door being hit by the zombies and the zombies above were moving around and pushing towards the door.

The zombie that fell would have been pushed towards the back and fell over the protective wall then fell down to its death.

The doors were the types that allowed them to be pushed open from within the area that the stairs were on so and once Brick reached floor F, the open door had been pulled closed to prevent any unexpected intruders from that floor just like the others.

A whistling noise escaped his lips all of a sudden as he stood on the lower floor as he grabbed the attention of the zombies above. "Hrr?"



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