
Regina's Journal

After leaving Evelyn, Regan went to look for Rex. At such times, only Rex said the things that could make him think better.

Regan didn't want to be angry at Evelyn but he was hurt.

At the same time, his heart hurt for her because she had to go through that pain. It must have hurt a lot when her skin burnt.

His hands were clenched tightly to form fists and his body released a ruthless aura.

He felt frustrated when he didn't find Rex in his chambers. When he saw a maid passing by, he asked her about Rex.

"His Highness is in the library, Your Highness."

The answer made Regan frown deeply which stayed until he reached the library.

What was Rex doing inside the library?

In the end, he found Rex sitting in a pile of books.

"What are you doing?"

Regan asked seeing how carefully Rex was holding a book in his hands and reading it with his whole attention.

Rex raised his head and signed him to stay silent.

The action made Regan angry.


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