
An Alliance

"Your Highness, I am alright."

Evelyn whispered feeling helpless with how Regan was carrying her as he walked inside the Palace they were living in.

Rex and Elias were silently following them and even Regan didn't respond to his words.

He continued to walk silently toward her room with her in his arms.

Once he was inside the room, he laid her inside the room and called Elias. Elias stepped inside with a physician who checked on Evelyn and said that everything was alright.

That was what confused Regan. Even the physician in Royal Palace claimed that nothing was wrong with her. Then why did she suddenly lost consciousness?

After the physician had left, Regan filled a glass of water for Evelyn and passed it to her.

After she had drunk the water, he asked gently

"How are you feeling now?"

Then before she could answer, he said further in a strict voice

"Don't lie to me."


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