
Why Does Evelyn Wants To Leave(2)

Rex didn't agree with what Regan thought but Regan still wanted to confirm. He had a huge hunch that Evelyn's will of leaving Mazic was involved with this man's appearance.

Because nothing that could cause the sudden change in her happened in the past few days.

At this moment, he was standing outside Evelyn's room.

The doors were closed and Regan couldn't find the courage to open them. He was afraid that if he went inside and talked to her then she would again talk about leaving.

He had told her that she had her own free will now. She could do whatever she wanted. But now, it was he only who was stopping her and made her realize that even if she didn't have that black band on her wrist, the coins with which he had brought her were a debt on her.

As much as he felt guilty, Regan didn't regret it.

How could he just let her leave! Especially now when he had guessed that there were some other reasons behind her sudden will of leaving.


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