

I walked out of the fuchsia gym, my new gym badge aimed to the sky, the sun shining on its metal exterior. A small smile appeared on my face directed at the sun, the gymbadge now sinking to my palm and clenched in my grasp.

"Right," I smiled, my eyes clenched shut, hyping myself up inside a stupid grin spread across my face as I held the ball close to my chest.

Zorua looked at me, her tail wagging happily at our victory, things finally seemed to be looking up for us.

"Badge number five," I said under my breath, adding it to my collection. Turning to my partner, 

"Let's go, Zorua." I grinned at her, her tail wagging to see me act like this again darting off ahead of me,

"Hey wait up!" I chuckled, running ahead with her, planning on leaving for the next city with my mission complete.

We ran and ran until our city landscape turned to greenery yet again, our pace and our passion never dwindling, the feeling I had the first time I stepped out of the house as a pokemon trainer, it all just hit me in that moment, I felt alive. 

"EEVEE!" I heard the sound of a pokemon, my smile slowly fading as I turned mid run.

Smoke spread through the forest, wild movements roared, a raging pokemon and a wild cry. I grit my teeth and quickly switched courses.


Khalid got up from bed, his brown hair a mess. He sighed at the fastly approaching day, getting ready to head out in hopes of at least a decent adventure. His phone rang with messages until he finally answered it.

S.S: Did you get the rocks I asked for?

Khalid: You have some nerve asking me for that you're half the reason I'm late you know! I was supposed to come here a week ago!

S.S: My bad my bad, turns out the Hoenn ship thing isn't the best idea.

Khalid: When I get these stupid stones I'm shoving them up your ass!

S.S: As long as you get my stones.

Khalid groaned in annoyance, putting his phone away and getting ready. He grabbed his beanie and his trainer bag heading out of the pokecenter's apartment. 

Downstairs were filled with trainers whose pokemon were injured from battle, Khalid walked through the crowd, his gaze set straight with his arms in his pockets nonchalantly.

"Bro what happened to your pokemon??"

"I don't know, some creepy looking charizard came and attacked me, it had some sorta look to it, covered in rocks like it was a part of his body or something."

Khalid's ears perked up at the mention of it.

"Woah creepy,"

"It appeared out of nowhere! I was just minding my business in the forest and-" 

Khalid smiled hearing everything he had to, heading straight for the forest right away with his pokemon. 

'First I'll get these stones and give that jerk a piece of my mind!' He thought as ran through the doors of the pokecenter hoping to catch the beast while it was still there.


My hand shook, my pupils dilated, teeth chattering uncontrollably as I stood face to face with the monster that ramaged through the forest. Its tall dragon-like features, its serpent-like blue eyes covered in granite, lava spouting at it's seems, its sharp teeth showing in anger at this single Eevee that hissed back at it.

"No way…" I muttered,

"Is this a charizard??!" I shouted in awe and fear, stepping back from the beast.

It swung its tail at the eevee before it, Eevee saw its assault and jumped out of the way landing firmly back on its feet, growling even louder now at the Charizard, shooting stars at it with no sign of hesitation.

Charizard brushed the attack off, charging a flamethrower at the Eevee. Eevee's eyes widened seeing its flames get closer and closer but it was unable to dodge, suddenly feeling a force push it out the way, its heart skipping a beat at the sudden movement fully expected to die there.

"You ok??" I asked, holding the Eevee in my arms.

It squirmed out from my grasp, running away from the battle, I turned around in shock, calling out to it.

"Eevee wait!!" I shouted about running after it but my back started to heat up, my eyes widening from the sudden pain, quickly dashing out of the way before its full force collided with me.

I quickly reached for my pokeballs in an attempt to beat this thing, It winded up for another attack, flames expanding in its mouth, its head thrown back to blast me with full force. Only to be headbutted by a Charizard that looked just like it. 

Its body soon covered into a purple light revealing to be Zorua, running by my side. I smiled, seeing that she finally found me.

"Ok, Charmeleon! Kabutops! I choose you!" I sent out my pokemon facing this massive beast, it's stature imposing on all of us, getting angrier by the minute.

"Alright, let's do this.." I muttered gearing up for battle,

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