
Who's that pokemon?

Eventually we got everything we needed and left for the Cerulean Cave.

It was still pretty late and the Zubats were very active at this time so we had to be careful.

"Charmander, you mind leading the way?" Jeffery asked his friend

Charmander agreed and went in front of us lighting up the path ahead.

"you got a very useful pokemon there." The professor complemented Jeffery.

"So where exactly are these changes?" Chloe was confused looking around from behind me.

"I've seen inside the cave before in books and magazines. It's a highly traveled spot.... but I don't see any changes."

The professor adjusted her glasses.

"you'll see the difference when we reach my campsite."

Everyone kept following the path and everything was going smoothly until there was a fork in the road.

Everyone was confused, including the professor.

"That's strange this wasn't here when I was coming out."

'Could the cave still be changing.' she looked to be deep in thought about this.

Zorua started to smell around the place like something caught her attention.

Without even giving me a warning she dashed to the left of the cave.

"Zorua come back!"

I ran after it.

"Ayuna you just can't run off like that!" I heard Chole's voice shout behind me but my friend/partner might be in danger.

"Damn it-"

Chloe followed me and Zorua down the path leaving Jeffery Charmander and the professor alone.

"Should we go after them?"

Jeffery scratched his head not knowing what to do.

"No, let's go the other way. There is a good chance that it will lead us to the same place they're going."

The professor started to walk ahead.

"And if it doesn't?" Jeffery stared at the professor.

"They'll figure it out. Now make haste we don't have a moment to lose."

Jeffery looked back at the second path for a hot second before being called by the professor.

"Let's go Charmander-"

They both ran after the professor.


"Zorua! …Zorua!" I was starting to get worried.

The deeper we go the darker it gets if we keep going we might get lost soon.

"Where is she.." I sighed.

Chloe, who was right there felt bad about the situation and tried to cheer me up the best that she could.

"Don't worry Ayuna we'll find her." She puts her hand on my shoulder to reassure me but quickly takes it off the moment I look at her.

I gave a big smile and she smiled back.

The cave only has one path but it still feels like we're in a maze.

I continued calling for Zorua as loud as I could but no luck. I didn't get a response back.

"Zorua! Zoru- ack!"

I felt a weird feeling like I'm sinking at a rapid pace and the minute I realized what's happening and my head hit the floor.

and a loud crack sound could've been heard.

I open my eyes to see celebi.

"I know this pokemon..." I meant to say this outloud but it was in my head.

My mother told me all about these legendary pokemon though in the form of stories.

Celebi is a being of time .

'It is thought that so long as Celebi appears, a bright and shining future awaits. When Celebi disappears deep in the forest, it is said to leave behind an egg it brought from the future. This Pokémon wanders across time!'

"correct." I heard a voice say.

'Who's there!' I turned in all directions but besides the celebi I saw nothing but darkness.

"though some of the things you say were true." The voice continued.

"some parts are made up to please the human mind."

"what does that mean?"

"Celebi showing up doesn't always mean something good is coming... it could mean it's trying to get away."

"Get away? away from what??"


I quickly got up from the ground but it wasn't hard at all. There were flowers there to cushion my fall.


I was pretty sure the ground was nothing but stone from the impact.

"Ayuna! you ok??" I heard Chloe's voice from above.

"yeah I'm fine!" I laughed it off "Some flowers broke my fall!"

" You stay there, I'll find a safe way down." Chloe called back to me.


What the hell was that?? that whole experience was beyond weird. Am I even ok??

I started to feel all over myself checking for broken bones or sprains but I got nothing.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"huh?" I felt something hitting me repeatedly. I turned to see what was having high hopes that it was Zorua but it was just a Kabuto ramming its head into my back lightly over and over.

I sighed and got up.



"Wait, aren't you extinct?"


"So ..professor." Jeffery tried to start a conversation.

"hm?" the professor looked back to see what Jeffrey had to say.

"Does the cave changing drastically include pokemon also changing?"

"Why do you ask?"

The walk went silent for a bit.

"Well..... I think my eyes might be deceiving me but."

"Is that a bunch of 'extinct' Omastars coming right for us?"

"Don't be ridicul-"

The professor turns when Jeffery says this only to see hundreds of Omastars charging their way.

"Pick up your charmander and run!"

The professor and Jeffery started to flee from the pokemon that were on their tail.

Though due to it being a single path it's hard to shake them off.

The Omastars behind them started to shoot streams of water in their direction, one of which hitting charmander.

"Charmander return!" Jeffery returned his buddy to his pokeball and kept running.

"Why is this happening!!"


"This might be a weird idea." I said to Chloe.

Both of us were sitting in the same spot. We felt like taking a break from what happened earlier.

I was holding the kabuto in my hand rubbing its head.

It seemed to enjoy it.

"What if this whole thing was caused by Celebi."

"how would that work?" Chloe wasn't fully sold on the idea but I don't blame her even though I came up with it I wasn't fully sold on it but I keep getting visions or flashes when the situation meets it.

remembering my old friends when I found a new one which was Zorua, Having the faint feeling of a disaster when I went in one at pewter city, remembering my old friends again when I was excited about traveling with my new ones....and now this.

"I don't know how Celebi is related to this but I'm going to find out! and I'm going to fix this."

"what about becoming champion?"

"uhh... right that too!"

Chloe laughed at me in a....cute way.

"You're hopeless." she said jokingly.

I rubbed my head from embarrassment, face flushed red.

"Well anyways we need to keep searching for Zorua!"

"right!" Chloe agreed with me, still smiling.

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