

"uhh.. let's talk about this?" Chloe backed up into a wall with the pokemon.

The grunts  only got closer and closer with their pokemon behind them ready to launch another attack on her.

"Tyranitar hyperbeam!" 

The tyranitar started to charge a beam of light.

"weird pokemon substitute! " Chloe cried out in fear.

The pokemon used substitute  again, switching it and Chloe with the chair by the check in desk.

Chloe opened her eyes and looked under the desk to see a red button.

pressing it without hesitation.


"so... what do these do?"  I asked blatantly.

Looking at the boulder badge.

"seriously?" the gym leader sighed "when you get  8 gym badges you can enter the pokemon league-"

"Pokemon league?" 

"Do you know anything?" Jeffery  asked me very confused.

"I guess not?"   

"ma'am! we need your help!" 

A sense of  urgency filled the air when officer Jenny burst into the gym with a few other officers.

Confused but really wanting to help with whatever it is, I stayed and looked at the gym leader.

"What is it now?"  

The officers behind Jenny were clearly out of breath.

"The museum is under attack by unknown cultists."

The gym leader lightly hits her head as if she's complaining about the situation a million times over.



"enough  of this..." One of the grunts turned to the victims.

"tyranitar!.... use a hyper beam!" 

The tyranitar started to charge a beam of light aiming it at the hostages.

"If you don't come out now! Everyone here is going to die!!"

"dude come on we have the fossils let's just go!"

"We can't leave that pokemon with her!"

The beam grew bigger and bigger and everyone was scared terrified but couldn't do anything. They were helpless begging for someone to save them.

"what other moves do you even know..." Chloe whispered to the weird pokemon.

but I did nothing but stretch  out its tongue in a cute way.




"That's it ! Tyranitar!" The grunt pointed at the hostages and Tyranitar let's out a beam of light heading straight for them.

"Mr. mime mirror coat!" a mr. mime jumped in between the hostages and the beam of light sending it back at the tyranitar.

"quickly use protect!" Tyranitar used protect 

 blocking the incoming attack from mr.mime

Miltank ran to Tyranitar's side ready to battle whoever did this.

and in walked officer jenny and the pewter city gym leader ready to battle.

"go rhyperior." her voice was as cold as the concrete floor.

Rhyperior appeared with a roar scaring  the grunts a bit but they won't show it.

"you two aren't getting out of here..." The gym leader ruffles her hair.

"Not without a fight." 

"Miltank! body slam!" The Miltank ran to the mr mime and jumped in the air.

"Stone edge!" 

Before the Miltank got a chance to land it was hit by a lot of sharp rocks.

The attack looked like it did more than it was supposed to and the Miltank backed away from the battle.

"Mr mime  use reflect!" Officer Jenny  tried to help the gym leader as much as she can while mr mime is still conscious.

"Tyranitar! Earthquake!!" 

Tyranitar stepped up in the middle of the battle and started to shake the ground aggressively.

"You idiot! your doing this in a building not made for battle!" The gymleader looked at the hostages but they weren't there in their place was a pile of rocks.


"phew that's all of them." Chloe praised herself as she substituted the last person out of the  museum.

The little pokemon yawned and fell asleep after doing all that substituting.

"Chloe!" Chloe turned hearing her name and saw me and Jeffery  coming to her.

"Hey guys!" 

"you ok?" I was worried  but she looked fine.

She gave me a nod and a smile "yeah I'm fine."

"We should probably get everyone out of here." 

we turned to evacuate everyone but before we got a chance to.

 We heard the crumbling of the building behind us and when I turned to look and see what happened.

... I was blindsided by a piece of the building..




Hey! Author for pokemon rise here! If you enjoy the story check out my other book on my sister account "My runic system" A high fantasy novel i've released for a while now! I’ve been trying to get into the professional writing system for a while now and ive been mostly focusing on that and other stuff, so sorry for the delays in chapters on POKEMON RISE, my release schedule on “My runic system” will be everyday until 100 chapters just like POKEMON RISE, and as for pokemon rise I'll be doing the once a week schedule as usual! Thank you for reading this far

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