
Team Rocket???

We've been here for how long? a few hours? I don't know if I lost count. I'm starting to get hungry and I don't think we'll make it out of here....I wonder what pidgeys taste like...

"I think we're almost there?" Jeffery tried to reassure me but is failing terribly.

"you think?" I was starting to get more and more worried by the second.

"listen.. don't worry about it." Jeffery said moving out of the bushes from out of our way.

"What do you mean don't worry about it we might di-" I was abruptly interrupted by a kid screaming and crying for their pokemon back.

"Give me my caterpie back!!"

Both me and Jeffery ran to the voice without hesitation to see the kid crying on the ground. He was pretty beaten up.

"what happened?" Jeffery ran to the kid to help him up.

"Some mean guys stole my pokemon." his nose was running and he could've barely spoke with how distressed he was.

"I'll go look for them!" I said running off, not giving Jeffery a chance to respond.

Could it be ....them? I sure hope not!

I kept running in search of the pokemon thieves

but I can't find them anywhere ..have they already taken off?

I heard the sound of a projectile being sent straight for me. I quickly moved out of the way to see a stream of highly pressurized water blast past me.

Holy shit it is them!!

"crap!" I heard someone from the bushes shout when they missed me.

I chased after the voice but they also started running.

I pushed past the bushes to get closer but I could only see the figure at this point.

Soon enough the figure stopped in they're tracks

"use water gun!'' Again a stream of highly pressurized water was sent right for me. I managed to get out of the way again but a tree was caught in the crossfire falling down in front of me blocking my path.

"better luck next time kid!" It sounded like a girl but I wasn't too sure. I climbed up the tree to keep chasing her.

"what??" she started to run again

"Zorua shadow ball!!" I shouted Zorua sent out a shadow ball aiming right for the girl.

"water gun!" She uses the water gun to burst through the shadow ball making it explode before it makes contact but the explosion pushes her back though doing minimal damage.

When I got close to her she was unconscious. She had a huge fanny pack on her waist and was wearing a white uniform with a big red C in the middle of it. She also had a mask on with two big swirls in the middle that kind of represents a C.

This isn't a team rocket grunt.... at least I think.


Jeffrey was with the kid making sure he was alright until he had his Caterpie back.

"So what are you doing in a place like this?"

Jeffery tried his best to start a conversation in Hope's of calming the kid down.

"I came to catch some bug pokemon with my friends.." The kid replies still with tears in his eyes.

"and where are they?"

"We were scared ...by a pokemon those guys had and we tried to run but ended up getting seperated.." Tears began to form again in the kid's eyes.

"I don't know where they are but I got caught and I was beaten and my pokemon were taken from me.... I hope they're alright."


The image of a huge kaiju pokemon formed in the kids mind with its red eyes and breath so cold you can see it in the air.


The kid began crying from fear again.

Jeffery not knowing what to do pats the kid's heads. "I'm sure they're fine dont worry about your pokemon..."

The kid looks up to Jeffery.

Ayuna got this!" he gave the kid a thumbs up.



When she opened her eyes she saw Zorua aiming a shadow ball directly at her.

"Don't move." I warned her " or maybe you wanna

be blasted to the shadow realm."

"What do you want?" The unknown team member slowly raised her arms so I have no other reasons to fire.

I emptied her trainer bag to the floor a lot of items fell out like empty pokeballs potions and a few other trinkets like a weird crystal that had a weird R on it but I paid it no mind.

"Where is Caterpie?" I asked her, she looked confused by the question so I asked again.

"where is caterpie!?"

"What caterpie?" she looked genuinely confused but I'm not gonna let that fool me.

"The one you took from that kid back there!" I shouted at her restraining myself to pick her up by the collar and just blast her.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." she says in a smug tone shrugging her shoulders.

Ok that's it! "Zorua uses shadow ba-" I was kicked in the jaw by the unknown grunt.

Zorua, who saw me get injured, released the shadow ball on her but she quickly sent out a raticate which took no damage from the attack.

"Zorua dark pul-" I was punched in the stomach and then she came at me again with a spin kick.

I fell to the ground.

"what the hell are you-" when I looked up I saw two leaf blades coming right for me.

I quickly got out of the way to see the girl coming for me again.

I don't know what to do, what kind of battle is this!

I quickly returned my Zorua and sent him out again with a prepped shadow ball ready to fire on release but she dodged that.

Damn it! I kept looking around trying to keep my eyes on her but I always slipped up one way or another!

"Rock throw!" she sent out a geodude and it starts to pick up rocks from the ground sending it directly at me

"Copy cat!"

Zorua copied the move of the geodude making rocks come from the ground canceling out the attacks.

Zorua landed on the ground tired but still holding on!

This isn't good what the hell is this lady on!!?

Hey! Author for pokemon rise here! If you enjoy the story check out my other book on my sister account "My runic system" A high fantasy novel i've released for a while now! I’ve been trying to get into the professional writing system for a while now and ive been mostly focusing on that and other stuff, so sorry for the delays in chapters on POKEMON RISE, my release schedule on “My runic system” will be everyday until 100 chapters just like POKEMON RISE, and as for pokemon rise I'll be doing the once a week schedule as usual! Thank you for reading this far

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