
[Bonus Chapter] A Secret

Bashenga didn't know when he was going to get used to Tehom.

Ten years had already gone by since his incarnation into this world, and yet it still didn't feel like he was any closer to settling in. At least not to him anyway. 

Things like earlier just seemed to keep happening. No matter how long he stayed here. 

Someone was always touching each other, giving out cute pet names, or just blatantly sexually harassing one another.

But maybe that wasn't why he was so upset today. He had already gotten used to witnessing public displays of affection. 

Maybe it was being the focus of these acts for a change that was the problem. 

Bashenga ran across rooftops in a much, much smaller version of his real form. 

He had no real destination in sight, he just wanted to keep running until he hopefully ran right smack into a wall.

However, he ended up stopping just before something like that happened. 

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