
Welcome Home!

Abaddon intentionally snuck home so that he could surprise his family.

However, he was in for a small disappointment when he realized that it was the dead of night and his family was likely already in bed.

He quite had his sights on seeing them so that he could give them a good surprise at his early returned.

Especially his youngest.

Feeling a bit undeterred, Abaddon decided to visit the children's wing just so that he could poke his head in and admire his children as they slept.

But he forgot that not all of his children were actual children anymore and turned around immediately after sensing a particular 'activity' going on in Thea and Belloc's rooms.

If he didn't need to lay down before, he surely did now.

He travelled back to his own wing with silent footsteps and a heart full of anticipation.

Next chapter