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*One Week Later*

"we gather here today in respect to the death of our fallen heroes. We commend their bravery to not falter in the face of danger, sacrificing their lives so that we all may live".

"their courageous act is a show of faith that humanity will continue to persist. Today, monsters have taken from us our heroes. Tomorrow, we will take from them, everything they have".

"by the grace of the Gods, bless thus the souls of thy sons so that they make walk the path of righteousness and join thee in your gracious abode".

"i guide thee in the sanctification of the Gods so that your journey through the realm of souls will be a peaceful one".

"your physical body has left us in this world, your spirituality dispersed to whence it came. Your heroic memories however will be forever carved in our hearts, and every day we awake, remembrance of your sacrifice for our lives will be the guiding force for us".

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