
Search For The Goblin ii

"click, clomp"

"click, clomp".

The four Generals walked their way up the stairs leading to the upper floor.

Moving in a straight line with the first Goblin general taking the lead, the second Goblin general following behind and the third Goblin general at the back of the second Goblin general, then comes the fourth Goblin general.

No other sound was heard except for their footsteps ascending through the stairs.

With their stamina and body figure, they were able to make a trip that would take an athletic human three hours in thirty minutes, not that they know what time it is.

Getting out of the stairs, they were faced with multiple tunnels in the walls all around.

"haaaa....., the air of the upper floor, how very degrading" (second general).

"we should make haste and find that bastard of a goblin, I don't want to spend another moment stuck in this lowly place" (second general).

"what does it look to you like we are doing?" (first general).

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